Friday, 29 February 2008

"As you wish, honey"/"Jak si prejes, milacku"

I like this week...lessons start usually around 10a.m., so no hurry in the morning...:-) On Wednesday there is a lecture called "How can Art and Aesthetics influence learning processes?- Do we see children as "becomings" or "beings"?" almost two hours we get to know how important for the development of the children is to be able to express themselves in artistic form and we as teachers should all the time try to find effective methods that would support and develop children´s creative skills (to think, speak, write, act and feel; use phantasy; find new solutions)...these are wanted by today´s society and that´s why we should not concentrate only on acquirement of knowledge...( "When I investigate myslef and my way of thinking, I conclude, that gifts from fantasy and imagination has meant more to me than my ability to acquire knowledge."- A.Einstein)
And afterwards we put in practise what we´ve just got to let´s show how we were able to use our imagination and wake up our "exhibicionist spirit" in us! The homew
ork for today was to make up a story/dialogue that would fit into a piece of music and pantomime it! I´ve been working on this project with Daniel and must say we had a lot of fun not only thinking it up but also practising it! Well, quite ashamed we´re going onto the "stage" to perform...our "speciality" is that we´ve recorded our dialogue so now we can "concentrate" only on acting- what a help!:-)))but yeah, we manage it personal feeling? I don´t wanna be an actress!!!!:-))) let´s have a look on our dialogue:

A married couple is going shopping. The woman is about 25 years old, and very interested in fashion and shopping. She really loves luxury and knows nothing else than latest fashion fads...her husband- en elderly man- is very rich and doesn´t like shopping at all, prefers intelectual hobbies(art, music etc.)- now they´re in the shopping street, the woman jumping happily from one shop-window to another....

Woman (W): Oh, dear. Look at this amazing dress! Oh, and look at this one. This is even more beautiful! That one is really perfect. Do you think it will fit me?

Man (M)- quite bored: Well, I Don´t think it´s really special.

W: Oh, how can you say sth like that?!

M: Because I just don´t think it´s special.

W: You don´t care about the dresses I wear?

M: I just don´t wanna spend my whole afternoon running through the street.

W(hysterically): You don´t, you don´t , you don´t!!!???

M: I rather go to the theatre.

W: (hysterically): You do, you doooooo??!!

You´re so meaaaaaan!!!

M: I´m not mean. I just need some intellectual challange from time to time.

W: I hate you!

M: Calm down, calm down. (talking to himself): I must admit I´m an idiot too. How could I have been so foolish to marry an airhead like her. I wouldn´t even notice if I swapped her for a dummy from one of these windows. She wouldn´t be able to reach my intellectual level even if she stood on a ladder.

W: (realizing that she "overshot" starts pleading while he´s talking to himself): Turn to me, look at me, talk to me, listen to me. (4 times)

M: (ending his thinking with words:) But on the other hand, look at her!...As you wish, honey!

Later on we sing and revise all known songs from the previous lesson... as well as dance ( don´t we, Sylvi?!;))

That was the school.. at 6 p.m. me, Sylva and Kate are invited for a dinner by our buddy Thora to her´s a pleasant evening and we can´t stop praising the delicious meal (pasta salad and chicken fillet and a wonderful chocolate cake as a dessert!)- thank you, Thora, for nice time...:-)

Ju, tenhle tejden se mi hodne libi...hadejte proc...skola nam zacina az kolem 10h, takze si muzu v klidku prispat a nehonim minuty tak jako kazdy rano...Dneska mame prednasku s nazvem "Jak muze umeni ovlivnit ucebni proces?", s podtitulem: "Bereme deti jako "neco, co se teprve utvari", nebo jako "hotove bytosti"?" Prednasejici je chlapek kolem padesatky, studoval v Anglii, uci na nejaky umelecky skole a skoro dve hodky nam vypravi o tom, jak je nutny vest deti k umeni, podporovat jejich tvorivost a jsou pry nyni zadane schopnosti ve spolecnosti, takze my jako ucitele bysme meli dbat na to, abysme v detech tento smysl pro "krasno" a umeni rozvijeli...ostatne tyto predpoklady jsou pry v kazdem z nas, jde jen o to, jaky pristup k tomu zaujmem (budeme-li sebe sami presvedcovat, ze treba neumime kreslit, hrat atd., tak v sobe vytvorime blok a opravdu to pak pro nas bude tezsi..ale obecne vzato, pro deti je naprosto prirozeny si hrat, predvadet se atd.)...
no a to, co jsme ted pouze poslouchali teoreticky, za chvili vyzkousime primo v dnesni "umeleckou hodinu" (tak jako kazdou stredu) jsme si meli pripravit nejaky dialog k dane hudbe a doprovodit ho obrazkem, kolazi, popr. pantomimou...ja jsem na tom delala s Danielem (myslim, ze uz jsem se o tom tady zminovala) a byla to docela sjanda...:-)kdyz je rada na nas, ponekud "neherecky" napochoduju na "jeviste" a hra jede...nasi specialitkou je to, ze jsme ten dialog predem nahrali na pocitaci, skloubili s hudbou a ted uz teda mame prostor jen ke hrani...fajn, nemuzu se dockat...:-) ale jo, nejak to zvladnem...a moje pocity? hereckou bejt opravdu nechci!:-)
Pak jeste zpivame, tancujeme (vid, Sylvi;-))
Vecer jsme pozvany k nasi buddy Thore na veceri, nemuzeme si vynachvalit vyborny testovinovy salat s kurecim zavitkem a jako dezert cokoladovy dortik...bylo to prijemny...diky, Thoro, za peknej vecer...:-)

Thursday, 28 February 2008

American Dream/ "ble":-)

The first lesson of English together with Danish students...what strikes me for the first time when we enter the classroom...quite a lot of "older" students who seem to have already their own families...( we have been already told before that it´s quite usual in Denmark that many people "behind their study years" take advantage of the national free school system and study (who wouldn´t when the state pays the education for you regardless of your age!)´s a class of 2nd year students (now they study two subjects- English and another one, next year they´ll start studying other two subjects, so they´ll have 4 in total)...and this kind of English lesson is actually the only English they have ( it includes grammar, realia, literature, history etc. -everything in 1, then, which difffers from our system when we´ve got special lessons for each of those "fields" of the language) the beginning there is a short discussion about the plan for the whole term when students also have a say in what they are interested in (in terms of didactics and methodology mostly- e.g.teaching grammar, how to create aims in a teaching process etc.), then we open the topic "America" which will make us busy for a few lessons... We´re working in groups discussing the picture picking up some of the images connected with America... and finally we´re also given some homework( to brush up our geographical knowledge of America, to read a multi-pate text about American history and values), doing homework...we have almost forgotten what it is...;-)
Danish with Sheila and Lejf is quite funny this time...we´re learning new words through "games"( guessing the meanings of the words from their written form- Germans can do it quite easily because many Danish words have similar spelling as the German ones).. what about the word e.g. "ble"- try to guess the meaning!;-) Well, I´ll tell you- it´s a nappy/diaper:-))
Afterwards we stay at school for a while to finish our homework for tomorrow (we record our dialogue, what a great fun we have doing this!:-)
Evening and another movie watched together- "Black Diamond" this time...I can´count how many times I covered my eyes when Leonardo diCaprio got into trouble in his "diamond-hunt"...fortunately it didn´t reflect in my dreams....

Dneska mame poprve hodiny anglictiny s ostatnima danskyma studentama...jsou ve 2. rocniku, ale kdo by si predstavoval vekovy prumer kolem 20 let, jak je to u nas, tak by se hodne spletl...tady totiz studuji i "starsi" rocniky, vetsina jich uz ma vlastni rodiny...duvodem je fakt, ze vzdelani je i pro ne zdarma, nezalezi na veku, jako je tomu u nas ( v CR nad 26 let uz stat studentum skolu nefinanfuje...)..takze kdo by toho nevyuzil, ze...;-) tohle je vlastne jedina hodina AJ, kterou ty studenti tady na skole maji- gramatika, realie, literatura, historie atd.- vse v jednom, jak se tak rika..:-)(ne jako u nas na UHK, kdy mame na kazdou z tehle "slozek" jazyka zvlastni hodiny)...zacatek je vesmes organizacni- co se bude probirat behem semestru, s tim ze studenti pred hodinou naspali na tabuli temata, ktery je osobne zajimaji - hlavne veci tykajici se praxe na skolach atd. Pak otvirame tema "Amerika"...diskutujeme nad obrazkama, co je typicky pro tenhle zamorskej kontinent a dokonce dostaneme i domaci ukol! uz jsme skoro zapomneli, jaky to je...:-) do priste precist nekolikastrankovej text o americky historii a hodnotach, oprasit nase zemepisny znalosti...
Nasledujici hodiny danstiny jsou tentokrat docela zabavny...ucime se novy slovicka formou jakychsi "her" (silny slovo, ale i tak posun oproti minulejm hodinam..:-)...hadame vyznamy slov z jejich psany formy, Nemci by tady meli vyhodu, pze dost slov ma podobnej slovni zaklad jako ty nemecky)...ale napr. u nasledujiciho slova nemusite bejt zrovna Nemec ci jinej "German", abyste neuhodli jeho vyznam...:-))- copak znamena danske "ble"?! (spravne reseni: plina pro dite:-))
Vecer trochu potrapime nase citlivy dusicky(zvlaste my s Katou a prekvapive i s Borisem:-)) pri filmu "Blood Diamond" s Leo DiCapriem...pusobivy...a poucny...

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Breath of originality and creativity/ Zavan originality a tvorivosti

The morning lessons with Jette, when we are talking about intercultural competences ( such an up-to-dated topic in the days of globalization...;-)), run fast and it´s noon and our planned departure to Hoptrup boarding school is here... It´s actually a small "Efterskole", i.e. there are only two classes for children of the age of 15 and 16, who don´t only learn there but also stay at school all weeks long instead of going home...The school is then special in the way that it puts stress on teaching dance, music and drama...and this "specialization" is recognizable in many different aspects... ;-)
At first we´re taken for a small "tour" around the school to have a look what the school looks like...Our guides are two students from there (the boy´s appearance already indicates a certain "smell of originality":-)), who show us almost every single room from the place where pupils eat together with their teachers (at the same table:-)), up to "ordinary" classrooms, then specially furnished classrooms (we were astonished by the recording studio!) and finally to the part of the building where pupils live during their stay at can feel the "bohemian" spir
it on almost every step there ( especially during breaks pupils sitting on couches in corridors watching Tv, playing table football or just hanging around and singing and playing guitar...)..and what even teachers themselves! All of them we meet are young people and some of them, let´s say, a bit strange:-) (one wouldn´t recognize the vice-principal from students, what´s more from a kind of a free artist you can meet e.g. on Charles Bridge in Prague:-)) can also quite easily notice really friendly relationships between the pupils and their teachers (given probably by the young age of teachers as well as by the type of school), which still doesn´t miss the necessary respect for "educators"... then we´re invited to take part in an English lesson...The pupils are asked to play pantomime based on situations that pupils made up themselves before (e.g.two boys riding motorbikes in the mountains, two teenagers arguing about their favourite kind of music etc.)...majority of children aren´t ashamed doing this at all (well, we have to still be aware of the type of school we are in, which means that these pupils are actually here because of their interest in performing etc., but to be honest personally I feet a bit hopeless in this time:-))..and their unshy characters show also in the following interviews that they are supposed to do with us, Erasmus students (we answer their questions such as e.g. why did you go for Erasmus, why to Denmark, what do you like about our country,... and we are really surprised about their level of English that was really great- they can speak quite easily without any hesitation almost as if they express themselves in their native language...!)...and finally the lesson ends with short presentations on the topic: South Africa( first pupils divided into three groups are supposed to make a mindmap on the blackboard on this theme and then to present it for the rest of the class)... one of the three presentations was highly originally when one of the pupils started singing a self-written song connected with this topic and another accompanied him playing the guitar...these pupils are just born to perform and are such exhibitionists that they use every opportunity to show themselves and that´s fine...:-)
And now sth for me...dancing lessons...:-)the first one is kind of a drill exercisi
ng (can´t say boring at all!) but the other is more exciting...the girls are instructed to make up and subsequently train their own choreographies to a given piece of music and afterwards they present it...and must say some of the "results" were quite unusual and very funny...
We spent the whole afternoon at this place and came back home not earlier than at 6p.m.

V pondeli dopol si s Jette rekneme neco malo o mezikulturnich kompetencich, jako ze ve smyslu nutnosti ucit zaky respektovat ostatni narody, coz je ted v dobe globalizace docela aktualni a ze vsech stran probirane tema, ze...:-) a v poledne uz jsme na nadrazi, abysme mohli vyrazit navstivit nedalekou internatni skolu v Hoptrup....nejdriv si jdeme prohlidnout celej areal, pruvodce nam delaji dva zdejsi zaci- ten klucina fakt stal za videni- kostkovany kalhoty strih ala mrkve, v uchu nausnice ve tvaru papouska, nebo co to bylo, a na hlave piratskou pasku...podotykam, ten den nehrali zadny predstaveni, proste bezny ohoz do skoly...:-)no, abyste byli v obraze, tohle byla skola tak trochu zvlastni nejen tim, ze deti tady i nocuji (neco jako intr, ale pokoje maji ve stejne budove jako tridy, vlastne z chodby s pokoji vchazi rovnou do vyuky..:-)), ale hlavne co se tyka zamereni- se specializaci na hudbu, tanec a drama...umeleckej duch byl cejtit na kazdym rohu..od ucitelu (dost mlady, a perlicka zastupce reditele by clovek nerozpoznal od zaka, natoz pak od nakyho mladyho "free" umelce nekde z Karlova mostu:-), po zaky (jak uz jsme zminila jista individua, viz.nas pruvodce:-)), tak i celkovy vybaveni skoly- deti o prestavkach na chodbach, rozvalujou se v gaucich, koukaji na TV, hrajou si na kytaru, jen tak zpivaji, hrajou stolni chodbach zadny dozor, kterej by je hlidal a peskoval ( a kupodivu ty teenageri toho nezneuzivaji! )...celkove ta skola pusobila jako takovej vetsi rodinnej barak- vlastne dany i tim, ze tam jsou jen 2 rocniky- pro 15 a 16-lety(takze fakt mala to skola),ale taky tou celkovou atmosferou- deti jedi v jidelnach s uciteli u jednoho stolu, vztah ucitel zak je docela volnej, kamaradskej a zaci toho zase kupodivu nezneuzivaji (aspon ceho jsme byli svedky my...), oslovuji ucitele krestnimi jmeny (coz je ostatne zvykem na vsech danskych skolach!)..
prohlidneme si nejen tridy ( docela nas prekvapi normalni nahravaci studio, ktery maji zaci k dispozici), i tu ubytovaci cast (kluci, holky zvlast, v tomhle se Dansko do CR nelisi:-)..a pak jdeme primo do vyucovaciho procesu -na hodinu anglictiny...nejdriv maji zaci sehravat ve dvojicich pantomimu na zadany tema (predem kazdej musel vymyslet nakou situaci, ktera se bude predvadet, ucitelka pak vybirala a cetla a deti podle toho predvadely, pak rekla "freeze"/zmrznete a vystridala je dalsi dvojice, ktera musela zaujmout uplne stejnou pozici jako ti pred nima a pokracovat v pantomime)....vetsina se nestydi a je u toho sranda...(ostatne jsme na umelecky skole, tak se predpoklada, ze tady budou sami exibicionisti, ze...ale me to docela vyvede z miry, priznavam....-))...nestydlivost se pak projevi i u dalsi aktivity, kdy nas maji deti "zpovidat", delat s nama Erasmakama interview na bezny otazky...docela zirame, jak deti vali anglictinu, na to kolik jim je, tak pusobi suverenne a nemaji vetsi problem vyjadrit se v cizim jazyce....klobouk dolu...:-) posledni aktivitou je "mindmap"( neco jako brainstorming/co te napadne, kdyz se rekne...)- tematem je Jizni Afrika...jsou rozdeleny do 3 skupin a pak svoje napady prezentuji...vystup jedny skupiny nas docela dostane..."opepri" totiz svoji prezentaci umeleckym vystoupenim- jeden klucina zacne hrat na kytaru, druhej k tomu zacne zpivat svuj vlastni song (tematickej.-)) a vsichni se bavi...
konec anglictiny a ted neco pro me...hodiny tance...:-)ta prvni je spis o drilu ruznejch tanecnich prvku/kroku, i tak me to bavi (hlavne ta music, bych se k nim hned pridala.-))...ta druha hodka je o necem jinym...tady maji holky prostor pro svou vlastni fantazii a kreativitu- ucitelka jim vzdycky pusti nakou hudbu a oni na to maji podle zadanych instrukci vymyslet choreografii (jeden z ukolu je napr. aby ta choreografie obsahovala "slide"/sklouznuti, "spinning"/tocku, "lift"/zvedacku)..maji na to 20 min a pak pred ostatnimi predvadi, co vymyslely... a nektery veci jsou docela originalni...bezva...
ve skole stravime cely odpolko, domu se dopotacime kolem 18h.

Monday, 25 February 2008

Nature and funny project/Priroda a vtipnej projekt

Sunday and a walk around the local dam in the afternoon activates our still a bit drunk minds after yesterday´s party..:-) We get to a hostel where we come across Finnja, who stays there during her 14-day practice in Denmark..and she joins us on our "exploration tour through Haderslev"....Originally we wanted to go to the fiord to see the real sea:-) but after we find out it´s about 10kms far away we give up this intention for this moment...not because we wouldn´t be such great sportsmen( of course we are!.-)), but the thing is we´re not mentally prepared enough...:-))) Still we have seen pretty much, especially nature and not only the paved streets we are surrounded by all the time on our ways to school... we also start working on our project for music/arts lesson on Wednesday...the task is to listen to a piece of music and make up a story/dialogue that would fit in it and finally to accompany it with a painting/photograph/collage...after 10minutes of listening the same song again and again we start hating it..:-)but well, homework is homework...finally me and Daniel think up a kind of funny dialogue between a married couple of a very young woman interested in shopping and her husband, an elderly rich man fairly bored running the whole day with hands full of bags behind her wife...quite a usual scene, what do you mean?!:-) we´ll see on Wednesday how we´ll act it then!

Nedele, cas odpocinku, my ho vyuzijeme tak, ze se vydame na prochazku, aspon si trochu provetrame nase jeste trochu omamene mozkove bunky ze vcera..Vyrazime smerem ven z mesta, puvodni plan je dojit az k fjordu a videt moooore!ale jakmile zjistime, ze tenhle nas plan ma vzdalenost asi 10km, rychle od toho snad, ze bysme to jako neusli, ale nebyli jsme na to dostatecne psychicky pripraveny (plus chybela poradna svaca:-))..tak aspon dojdeme k mistni ubytovne, kde narazime na Finnju (bydli tady behem svy 14-denni praxe v Dansku), provede nas trochu po ubytku a pripoji se k nam...pozname taky neco jinyho, kus pekny prirody, kterou je clovek obklopenej, jen vytahne paty trochu vic z tech precpanejch nakupnich ulic...
pak se vrhneme na nas projekt, kterej amme pripravit na stredecni hodinu...nasim ukolem je poslechnout si jednu skladbu a vymslet na ni pribeh/dialog, kterej by jako do te hudby pasoval... a cele to doprovodit obrazkem, fotkou nebo kolazi...kdyz uz tu skladbu slysime asi posty a porad nemuzeme prijit na to, co jako ze teda vymyslime za dialog, zacneme tuhre vaznou music trochu nenavidet..ale ukol je ukol...konecne se hneme z mista..s Danielem nakonec vymyslime radoby vtipnou "nakupni scenu" mezi manzelskym parem- mladickou nakupni maniackou a jejim postarsim zazobanym manzelickem, kterej je ponekud uz znudenej celodennim pobihanim po dat tohle dohromady s vaznym kouskem hudby je kumst, ale tak jako sranda a snaha byla..:-)...uvidime jeste, jak to vsechno ve stredu sehrajeme...

Sunday, 24 February 2008

Celebration Party!/Narozeninova party!

Getting up after five hours of sleep has a big effect on me for the rest of the day:-)...pity that we´ve got just history lessons in the morning because we´re not able to concentrate on anything, not even on the interesting topic: local history ( Southern part of today´s Denmark-the area where also Haderslev is situated:-)- used to be a part of Germany in the past and there were some fightings all the time solving problems connected with it...We finished school already around noon and spent the day somehow hanging around....I was so exhausted after the yesterday going out(Crazy Daisy) that I almost fell asleep while watching the movie in the evening...and another "long night" is coming tomorrow!!!
It´s Saturday morning and I wake up with a terrible headache...I need to write to Kate I won´t be able to go to the gym with her as we settled yesterday...I must recover till tonight because I don´t wanna be missing at the main event of the day which is the CELEBRATION PARTY!!! Who celebrates? Three people at once- Tim, Daniel and Charlotte (having their birthdays one/two days after each other)...Then I still have to get out of the bed and meet girls to wrap our birthday presents, blow balloons and to "cook" pudding with jelly teddy bears:-)and shopping in Netto, Lidl and´s raining, quickly home and nobody will take me out today anymore...:-) The three "honoured persons" have decided to prepare a dinner for all of us so they come to our place and the "hard job" starts and I´m involved in it as well, but voluntarily..:-) On the menu stands : tomato soup with cream and baguette, cold pasta with pickles and mayonnaise as starters followed by main dish- meat balls in curry sauce with rice as a side-dish and baked slices of squash and aubergine with a delicious mixture of black olives, almonds and vegetables on the top...and afters: chocolate mousse, "kekse cage" and cookies...sounds delicious, doesn´t it?!;) at 7p.m. the first "guests" start coming and the party can begin...There are 11 people in total (together with two German students and Kate-Boriess´s girlfriend and Gerard- Charlotte´s boyfriend)´s a pleasant evening...the end of the party is however ended in a bit unusual way- all of us finding out if we are drunk or not..:-)

Vstavani po peti hodinach spanku mi jeste porad dela problemy, ale do skoly se musi a noc stravena v Crazy Daisy za to stala:-) Cekaji nas tri hodky dejin...i kdyz posledne to nemelo chybu, dneska nejsme zrovna v tom nejlepsim stavu sledovat energickyho Jörna, jak nam zaujate vypravi o mistni historii...kolem poledne si docela oddychneme, ze uz muzeme padit domu a dospavat predeslou noc...vecer se jeste rozhodneme zhlidnout s Charlotte filmik ("Catch me if you can"), ale v pulce uzname, ze uz dyl nevydrzime udrzovat se v bdelem stavu a zabalime to...zejtra nas ceka dalsi jizda..:-)
Je sobota rano a ja se probouzim se silenou migrenou, v noci jsme kvuli tomu ani moc nespala...sakra, zrovna jsme chtely jit s holkama do posilky, ale to holt budu muset ozelit a misto toho se dat do vecera dokupy...udalosti dnesniho dne je totiz narozeninova oslava!!! Kdoze slavi? Mame hned tri oslavence- Tim, Daniel a Charlotte- maji narozky za sebou s odstupem 1,2 dni...Po nejakym to vyvalovani se v posteli s rucnikem na hlave jsme prece jen nucena vstat a naklusat k holkam, abysme zabalily darky pro oslavence, nafoukly balonky a udelaly pudink s gumovejma medvidkama...mnam:-)pak jeste vlitnout nakoupit do Lidlu,Netta a Kvickly a rychle domu, prsi..ven uz me pro dnesek nikdo nedostane...kolem 17h zacneme varit- oslavenci se totiz rozhodli, ze pro vsechny uvari veceri, a ja jim vydatne pomaham..:-) Na jidelnicku je jako predkrm uvedena rajcatova polevka se smetanou a bagetou, studena misa testovin, jako hlavni chod masove kulicky v kari omacce s ryzi, pecene platky cukety a lilku s vybornou smesi nadrobno nakrajenych cernych oliv, mandli a zeleniny navrchu...a dezert: coko mousse(pena), kekse cage a susenky...prvni "hoste" prichazi kolem 19h, takze party muze pomalu zacit...popijime, papkame co hrdlo a zaludek raci, az jsme vsichni k prasknuti, poslouchame music (Belgicani nam na youtube ukazou jak se tancuje dneska v Belgii- znali jste "tectonic" styl?-neco jako machani rukama na vsechny strańy, ale pozor clk k tomu musi mit i zvlastni ohoz a uces- uzky kalhoty a vystajlovany delsi vlasy:-)))...celkove to byl moc prijemnej vecer, kterej jsme zakoncili ponekud nevsedne...pokousejice se zjistit jestli jsme opili nebo ne...:-)

Bilingualism and Crazy Daisy:-)/Dvojjazycnost a Crazy Daisy:-)

The morning exercise in the school gym starts our body and mind for the rest of the day (in the morning we had no lessons) and we go to school only for two hours, namely the lecture of Prof. Dr. Thorsten Piske from the German University of Education in Gmünd, with the title "Bilingual Language Acquisition"...that was most interesting two hours filled with a topical theme- the earlier you start learning a foreign language the better...We got to know that there are nursery schools in Germany, which follow the "one person- one language approach"(i.e. there are two teachers, one speaks only English the whole time and the other the native language), so the "bilingual environment" is settled from the very young age of children and quite spontaneously...this approach goes on through higher levels of Northern German education at primary and secondary schools, of course with certain changes...(at primary schools children are taught, except for German language, all subjects in English; at secondary schools in most cases, two subjects are taught in a foreign language, mostly in English or in French). We also discussed some frequently asked questions in connection with bilingualism,e.g. "Do parents have to speak the foreign language when they interact with their children?"(No, they should support their children´s native language), "Do all students benefit from bilingual programs?"(At first parents should make sure that their children´s first language can develop in an age-appropriate way)..and finally the whole lecture confirmed the opinion that students in bilingual programs are then better learners in other subjects and can express their subject knowledge in their first language even better than those who study only in their native language...everything sounded amazingly, the "only" problem may be to find enough teachers who are able to conduct lessons in the subjects such as geography, biology or mathematics in a foreign language...:-)In the evening we met to visit the local disco Crazy Daisy(there is free admission on Thursdays:-)) 23:30 and almost nobody in the club...well, doesn´t matter we came to enjoy ourselves, so immediately on the dancefloor and dancing, dancing till fatigue!;-) Not bad, but the music could have been a bit different(my "blood group" is r´n´b and stuff like this and the Dj didn´t seem to know such a kind of music at all!:-)) but fine, we lost the "redundant energy" through dancing and that´s what we wanted!;-)

Po dlouhe dobe nemame rano skolu, tak si s Katou skocime na chvili do posilky zaslapat na rotopedu...pak nas ceka jedina prednaska toho dne s prof.Dr. Piske z Univerzity z Gmündu s nazvem" Dvojjazycnost"...cely dve hodiny jsou uzasne zajimavy a cele se to toci kolem diskutovaneho tematu, ze cim driv se dite zacne ucit cizi jazyk, tim samozrejme pro nej lip...proto se rozbihaji, nekde uz jsou dal, dvojjazycne programy, ktere prave vychazi z tohoto nazoru a zacinaji uz malym detem v materskych skolach vytvaret dvojjazycne prostredi... konkretne jsme mluvili o severnim Nemecku(kde prof. uci) a dozvedeli jsme se, ze v materskych skolach jsou vzdycky dve ucitelky, z nichz jedna mluvi jen anglicky(cizim jazykem), pak je tam druha, ktera rodnym jazykem...dite si tak pomalu a nenasilne zvyka komunikovat v cizim jazyce, i kdyz v tehle fazi spis jen prijima info, nez by samo zakladni skole se pak vyucuji vsechny predmety, krome rodneho jazyka, v anglictine....dite si tak osvojuje i odborne terminy v cizim jazyce a je pro nej pak naprosto prirozene bavit se i o odbornejsich vecech prave treba v anglictine...diskutovali jsme i o casto kladenych otazkach, treba jestli deti, kdyz se uci dane predmety jen v cizim jazyce, jsou pak schopni o veskere naucene latce hovorit i ve sve materstine...(odpoved: urcite, a co vic, dosahuji lepsich vysledku nez jejich vrstevnici, kteri nejsou zapojeni v techto dvojjazycnych programech...duvod: kdyz se uci v cizim jazyce, nuti je to obecne vice premyslet o danem problemu, tim padem pak naucene latce lepe rozumi atd.)...dalsi otazky se tocily i kolem mensich deti...jestli treba rodice musi pak na sve dite i doma mluvit danym cizim jazykem..(odpoved: ne, naopak by se meli soustredit na to, aby diteti poskytli pevne jazykove zazemi co se tyce jeho rodneho jazyka, protoze cim lepe dite ovlada svuj matersky jazyk, tim snadneji se uci ten cizi) kazdopadne bylo to moc moc zajimave...
vecer jsme pak vyrazili vsichni na mistni diskoteku Crazy Daisy...i kdyz uz bylo kolem 23:30, byli jsme v klubu skoro sami...ale neva, prisli jsme se pobavit a to jsme taky delali:-)...vritili jsme se hned na parket a poradne si zatancovali...i kdyz teda hudba nic moc(ja fanda r´n´b..niceho takovyho jsem se nedockala)..ale chtela jsem se vytancovat, a to jsem splnila:-)

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Day full of experiments/Den plny experimentu

Every Wednesday we are shown a bit different ways of learning developing our creative skills, last time it was the lesson called "Use your body and voice...", this time we can read in our schedule "Mirrors and Portraits"... An incredibly friendly and open-minded woman Dorthe gives us a real warm welcome, something in her appearance and her way of spontaneous behaviour already reveal that the following three hours won´t be traditional, but on the contrary that we´re going to experience sth very new and unusual for us...and we´re not wrong when we think so...At first we are given few sheets of quarto papers and are supposed to draw portraits of three of our schoolmates, we´ve got only 2 minutes for each of these pictures...we´re assured that we don´t have to be worried about our art skills, everything that will happen in this lesson is said to be just a sort of our own exploration and achievement of new experience and perception... now I´m at real ease and just draw and draw and...this first task is just about getting the first knowledge of the basic "rules", what to pay attention to when making sb´s portrait...more experimental part comes after...each of us takes a mirror and sits in front of it and we are told to draw ourselves! ha, that´s fun...we don´t want to stop it, we enjoy portreying so much! However, we are here to explore some more ways of perception of ourselves... we start painting directly on the mirror!....then printing it on the paper...and in final stage we are instructed to remake this print so that it still resembles somehow our own portraits...we´re a bit lost in this task, but Dorthe helps us and shows us the rught way to do it...she is a real professional (studied some time in New York) and we can´t stop wondering when a completely realistic eyes start appearing under her skillful fingers...unfortunately the time is over and we have to saay goodbye, this lesson was simply amazing, I felt relaxed during the whole time spent in the workshop and was leaving the room absolutely happy and content, it was a sort of pleasant therapy for me...:-)
Now a cooking lesson along with Danish students of cooking...I´ve brought all necessary ingredients for my fruit dumplings (but it wasn´t an easy task at all to find our Czech "tvaroh" and the right kind of flour:-)) that I´m going to do today, but it needs to be said, for the first time without my mum´s help!:-) well, now I know there was no reason to be worried because when you´ve got the right ingredients there isn´t much you can spoil:-), but everytime you go into the "unknown" you feel a bit unsure...afterall it was a great fun for all of us and we did well so in the end we could please our taste-buds with different kinds of dishes from typical Danish hot dogs (served with pickles, roasted onion, ketchup, mustard, remoullaide), smörrebröd, chocolate mousse, potato pancakes, potato soup, sushi, Belgian potato salad etc. we really had a nice time, do you believe us?!;-)

Kazdou stredu mame na rozvrhu trochu nevsedni hodiny, ktery jsou zalozeny na rozvoji nasich tvurcich schopnosti- minule to byla hodina "Pouzij svoje telo a hlas", tentokrat hodina s nazvem "Zrcadla a portrety"...Privita nas neuveritelne pratelska a na prvni pohled tak trochu svobodomyslna Dorthe, uz trochu jeji vzhled a zpusob jednani napovidaly, ze nasledujici tri hodky stravime netradicne, a nemylili jsme se...nejdriv nam rozda ctvrtky s tim, ze si mame vybrat tri spoluzaky a nakreslit jejich portret, mame na kazdej 2 minuty...smrt v nasich ocich ji primeje nas ujistit, ze tady ted vubec nejde o nejaky realny zachyceni tvare dotycnyho, ale proste a jednoduse jen si zkusit, jak se takovy oblicej maluje...pak nase prace spolecne zhodnotime a rekneme si, na co pri portretovani davat pozor... ted zacina ta experimentalnejsi cast hodiny...mame si vzit kazdej zrcadlo, sednout si pred nej a namalovat sami sebe! zvlastni, koukam na sebe s tuzkou v ruce a moc nevim, jak zacit...divny, clovek se zna takovou dobu:-), ale hodit se na papir nedokaze:-) ale kazdopadne nas to vsechny hodne bavi...ani se mi moc od toho nechce prechazet k barvam...ted zase mame namalovat sami sebe a to primo na zrcadlo a vysledek pak obtisknout na cely se pak jeste dokresluje a pretvari voskovkama...nejak si s tim nevime moc rady, tak nam Dorthe predvede, co ma konkretneji na mysli..clovek se pri tom nestaci divit, jak se pod jejima rukama zacinaji na nas koukat z papiru zivi oci, je to holt profesionalka (studovala nejakou dobu v New Yorku)...ja se radsi vracim ke svymu kresleni tuzkou a dodelavam si svuj autoportret...:-) najednou je konec a my musime padit na hodinu vareni...vsichni jsme uplynulyma hodinama stravenyma v atelieru nadseny, me osobne to doclea dost pozitivne naladilo, takovej uzasnej relax...
ale ted uz hopem varit...vzala jsme s sebou vsechny nezbytny suroviny, ktery budu potrebovat na ty svoje ovocny knedliky, ktery se chystam dneska delat (varime narodni jidla..uznejte, ze knedlo, vepro bych asi jako skoro uplnej antikuchar nezvladla, tak jsem se vrhla na tenhle receptik:-)..i tak jsem z toho docela vybzikla, prece jen to bude poprve, co budu takovouhle vec varit uplne sama, doted to aspon bylo pod mamcinym vedenim:-) ale tak jako ve finale se to myslim povedlo, nebo aspon mne ty knedle chutnaly a pripomnely domaci:-) vse jsme zvladli a pak uz jen vyber byly typicke danske hot dogy (s okurkama, smazenou cibuli, kecupem, horcici, remuladou), smörrebröd, coko mousse(pena), nase cesky bramboraky, bramboracka(delaly holky), sushi, belgickej bramborovej salat...uff, dokazete si asi predstavit, jak jsme se zas najedli... a jeste neco malo zbylo, tak vzali domu...:-) celej den jsme se nehnuli a travili..vecerni pilatesove cviceni nebyl v teto situaci v mem pripade nejlepsi napad...:-)

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Presentation of our countries/ Prezentace nasich zemi

Tuesday, 19th February, and the Module 1(=Comparative studies) with Jette Laursen...our homework for today was to prepare presentations about our countries and tell the others what we suppose to be special and typical of the place we come from... At first we set off the journey to Belgium and find out that it is not only the country of chocolate, waffles and beer, but that the country is nowadays going through a serious crisis that is concerned with the existence of the state itself ( there are two parts in Belgium- the Flemish part in the North and the French-speaking part in the South and politicians are discussing the possible division of these two parts which would lead in fact to the disappearance of Belgium from the map of Europe!)..sth not so serious...did you know that Belgium is the "cradle" of fries that are wrongly called French fries:-) and that Belgium is the country of birth of Jean Claude van Damme?!;-) Then it´s up to us, "or Czech Three" to familiarize our mates with our small republic...we made a nice Power-point presentation ( self-praise is not good, I know, but still it´s pity, you can´t see it:-)) presenting some basic facts, but also the less known infos about our country ( rich history, traditions, nature, culture and in the end we couldn´t forget mention about famous Czechs and what is typical of CR that is known all over the world- e.g. the beauty of our girls- Miss World 2007 etc.:-) And then Daniel and a quick tour through Germany (the system of traffic signs was really funny;-))...
Danish lesson follows and new phrases are attacking our brains (Hvordan gar det?-How are you?:-))..It´s also Tim´s birthday today so birthday songs can´t be missing...even one in Czech!;-)
Evening and film "Goya´s Ghosts" that we watch at girls´ place along with two German students that came here for 14 days for a school practice...and falling asleep with a bit worried mind about tomorrow...;-)

Utery 19. unora a hodina s Jette- modul 1(srovnavaci studia) dnesek jsme si meli pripravit prezentaci o nasi zemi a predstavit ji ostatnim....nejdriv napochodujou pred tabuli belgicti reprezentanti:-), dovidame se neco malo z historie, pikantnosti z zivota kralovske rodiny:-), ale prejdeme taky na vaznejsi tema- aktualni problemy v zemi, resi se tam ted mozne rozdeleni obou casti Belgie (Flandry a francouzsky mluvici cast), coz by vedlo v praxi k uplnemu zaniku Belgie, protoze Flandry by se staly soucati Holandska a ta druha cast by byla pripojena k Francii...zni to doclea nemozne, co...dalsi zajimave info- viz.napr. jsme netusila, ze hranolky pochazi z Belgie, stejne tak i Jean Claude van Damme!:-)))) potom jsme na rade my, nase "ceska trojka", abysme seznamily ostatni s nasi mealou zemickou...krome zakladnich info se jim snazime samozrejme ukazat, ze mame bejt na co pysni, takze se rozpovidame o nasi bohate historii, tradicich, ceskem sklu, Skodovce, ceske kuchyni, filmech a nesmi chybet ani slavni Cesi vcetne Miss World!:-)myslim, ze jsme to zvladly hezky...:-)nakonec jsme se s Danielem vydali na exkurzi do Nemecka...zminka o hledani narodni identity a s tim souvisejici Tv spot, kterej ma v mladejch Nemcich probudit pocit narodni hrdosti (docela posramocena vzhledem k pomerne nedavne nemecke historii) - byly pro nas novinkami stejne tak nas zaujal opravdu "dumyslny" system dopravnich znacek:-))...shrnuto, dozvedeli jsme se zas o neco vic, nez jsme si do ty doby pamatovali z hodin zemepisu:-)
Pak Sheila a Lejf a dalsi dansky fraze bombardujou nas treba :"Hvordan ga det?"- "Jak se mas?":-) dneska ma taky Tim narozky, tak mu zpivame..nejen dansky, ale i cesky!:-)
Vecer se sejdeme zas na filmiku, tentokrat "Goyovy prizraky", prijdou jeste dva nemecky studenti, kteri tady jsou na praxi na 14 dni, tak to je docela zpestreni s a domu spat, trochu s obavama, jak dopadne zejtrek:-)

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Beginning of the 3rd week in Denmark!/Zacatek tretiho tydne v Dansku!

Usual time- 8:15 and the beginnig of the first Monday lesson- "School and Education in Denmark" with Torbjörn Ydegard...He asked us about our observation experinces from our last school visits fourteen days ago- we agreed on some features typical of Danish school such as e.g. apparent freedom of pupils at school, cozy atmosphere of the school environment, usage of various teaching methods and seemingly no structure in lessons...we talked about pupils´discipline in the classes and we were "assured" there is almost no such thing in Danish schools anymore:-), so subsequently we came to the topic of possible punishments for children in case of their misbehaviour and in this time we were "corrected" there is no such word "punishment" in the Danish school system, but only a word- "consequences"- that made us laugh a bit...:-) then Torbjörn told us about the basis of the Danish school system- probably the most striking fact for us was the strong tradition of private education in Denmark in that way that Danish constitution allows establishment of private schools even by parents themselves (in practise it means that when you as a parent are not satisfied with the education of your child at the public school, you can take your child away and you can educate him/her on your own at home, but what´s more you can quite easily set up your own school...the only rules you have to follow are a certain number of pupils, solution of economical questions and fulfillment of teaching goals that must be compatible with those at public schools)- the state financially supports this kind of schools pretty much (parents pay only 15% of loads/e.g. 1,000DK/month, the rest is paid by government)... in general the state financial contribution to education system is efficient, also as far as public schools are concerned (we were told that almost everything at these schools is free, including e.g.all textbooks, trips with the exception of some week long excursions and stuff like this)...even there is special education of future teachers at private schools ( it lasts 5 years instead of usual 4 years for teachers at public schools and these private teachers also have a longer practise at schools during their studies). Wow, all this is quite different from our country, isn´t it?
Acquisition of interesting infos goes on when an energetic man Jörn Buch enters the room...We´re flooded with important events of the Danish history and we´re really impressed by Jörn´s historic knowledge (his very first question: where are from- and our reply: Hradec Kralove- and his prompt reaction: ooh, there was the battle of Austro-Prussian war!- this persuades us that this man "probably" knows his field pretty well...:-)) as well as by his amazing enthusiasm which make his lessons even more unforgetable... (and it does not matter that we talked the whole time mostly only about the 19th century in the Danish history:-))

Obvykly cas- 8:15 a prvni pondelni hodina: "Danske skolstvi a vzdelavani" s Torbjörnem Ydegardem (clovek by si na tech jmenech pomalu zlamal jazyk, co... a to po nas chteji, abysme je oslovovali krestnimi jmeny!:-)) Ptal se nas na nase postrehy z nasi navstevy skol pred ctrnacti dny a spolecne jsme pak vybrali par znaku typickych pro danske skolstvi, jako napr. znacna svoboda zaku ve skole, prijemne skolni prostredi, uzivani ruznych metod pri vyucovani, ale taky zdanlive zadna struktura pri vyuce...Mluvili jsme i o chovani a poslusnosti zaku a byli jsme "ujisteni", ze neco jako disciplina uz v danskem skolstvi u zaku nenajdeme:-) pak jsme presli k tematu pripadnych trestu, kdyz se zaci neumi chovat a zase celkem prekvapiva odpoved, ktera nas docela rozesmala, protoze Danove slovo "trest" jako takove ve skolach nepouzivaji a asi z jakychsi "humanitnich duvodu" ho nahradili slovem "nasledky":-)) potom nam Torbjörn vypravel o zakladnich rysech danskeho vzdelavani, tady nas docela zarazil fakt, ze Dansko ma dost silnou tradici soukromych skol a danska ustava povoluje zakladani takovych skol dokonce i samotnymi rodici! (v praxi to znamena, ze pokud je rodic nespokojenej s tim, jak jeho dite vzdelavaji ve skole, muze ho odtamtud vzit a ucit ho sam, ale co vic, muze si sam, kdyz chce, zalozit vlastni soukromou skolu...jedina omezeni, kterych se musi drzet je jednak dostatecnej pocet zaku, vyreseni nejakejch ekonomickejch otazek a taky splneni jistejch vzdelavacich cilu, ktere musi odpovidat tem, ktere jsou na verejnych skolach)- stat tyhle skoly financne dost podporuje (rodice plati pouze 15% nakladu/ asi 1000DK za mesic, zbytek stat)...dokonce v Dansku existuje i zvlastni system vzdelavani budoucich ucitelu na soukromych skolach (jejich studia trvaji 5 let, misto 4 let obvyklych pro ucitele verejnych skol a odlisne je to i s praxi- budouci ucitele na soukr. skolach maji rocni praxi, namisto asi jen 6 tydnu) ....obecne stat tady do skolstvi znacne investuje, a to i co se tyce verejnych skol ( rodice nemusi hradit skoro nic, napr. deti maji ucebnice zdarma, stejne tak i vylety, snad az na nejake tydenni exkurze, ktere uz stat nefinancuje)..docela rozdil oproti nam, ze..
Pak vpadne do tridy energii nabitej chlapek, asi petasedesatiletej, Jörn Buch a my jsme razem zahlceny informacema tykajici se historie Danska...postupne zjistujeme, ze tenhle Dan bude asi hodne sectelej a ve svym oboru se fakt vyzna (hned na zacatku se nas kazdyho pta, odkud ze jako jsme, tak my reknem CR, HK- a on hned briskne zareaguje, joo, tam se odehrala ta bitva prusko-rakousky valky 1866...jak nase srdicko zaplesa, ze nekdo zna taky nejaky jiny mesto nez Prahu..:-)...cely dve hodky vydrzi zaujate povidat o nejruznejsich historickejch udalostech (popravde misty je docela tezky se v tom neztracet:-)) do toho neskutecne zapalenej, az se mi zda, ze i ten nejvetsi odpurce dejepisu musi behem tehle hodin uznat, ze "ucitelka zivota" nemusi bejt jen nudnym odrikanim letopoctu!;)..takze vubec nevadi, ze jsme se celou tu dobu bavili hlavne o v danskejch dejinach a o zbytku se nedozvedeli prakticky nic..:-)...tahle hodka s nim byla fakt inspirujici, zvlast pro nas budouci ucitele dejepisu;-)

Three "Czech days":-)/Tri "ceske dny":-)

Friday morning and me lying in my bed as a corpse:-), totally exhausted after those three days in´s great because there is a holiday at school the whole week, so I really enjoy that possibility not to hurry anywhere and just to "exist on my own":-) Charlotte and Daniel have gone to visit their "dear halves"...what about me? I decide to use free time for stretching my body:-), so do Sylvi and Kate... (well, our boys aren´t so passionate fans of a gym and pilates exercise- I forgive you this, Manu and Tim:-) The evening- we three Czech girls and a romantic comedy Knocked-up- a perfect movie for women´s audience;-) Saturday comes along with the search for birthday presents for our two Belgian and a German mates:-) (all three have their birthdays next week, that´s a kind of coincidence, isn´t it?;-)) The end of weekend and our "Czech women´s drive" goes on, though this time on a more serious basis:-)- joint work on a presentation about our country for a Tuesday lesson...quite a hard job to look up all necessary infos and pics for our project but we find it exciting and are quite motivated to do our best so that our European mates could make a more precise idea of our republic..( still many foreigners have a false image of life in our country, or better to say a bit finite we wanted to show them that the Czech Republic doesn´t only mean Prague and beer, but much more..:-)) ...we´ll see on Tuesday how we´ll succeed to prove it...

Je patek, zadna skola, protoze celej tejden tu jsou prazdniny...uzivam si, ze nemusim nikam chvatat a muzu si jen tak "existovat sama pro sebe":-) Charlotte a Daniel odjeli za svejma drahejma polovickama, takze jsme tu zustali my tri " ze stredu Evropy" a ti dva nasi blaznivi Belgicani:-) Nasledujici dny jsou vlastne takova ceska damska jizda, stravena castecne v posilovne, cvicenim naseho oblibeneho pilatesu a v patek vecer u romanticke komedie "Zbouchnuta"- dokonalej film, urcenej presne pro nasi damskou sestavu:-) Sobotu venujeme vybirani darku pro nase oslavence, vsichni tri maji narozeniny v jednom tydnu, docela nahoda, ze..;-)no a nedele uz se nese spise v pracovnim duchu- s holkama zasedneme nad prezentaci o nasi zemi, kterou mame prednest v utery...zabere to docela casu a usili vyhledat vsechny nezbytny info a obrazky, ale bavi nas to a myslim, ze nas docela zene i takova jakasi motivace ukazat tou nasi praci ostatnim, ze CR neznamena jen Prahu a pivo, ale mnohem vic (dost cizincu ma totiz porad zkreslenej, nebo spis omezenej pohled na nasi zemi, takze jim chceme trochu rozsirit obzory:-))..uvidime, jak se nam to v utery podari...

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Trip to Copenhagen/Vylet do Kodane

Another weekend is almost over and I haven´t managed yet to share my "Copenhagen experience" with you....but I needed some time to "recover" from passed days spent in the busy capital..sorry:-) so let´s start now...
Our trip actually began already on Monday when we met to plan following three days in the capital...We were supposed to work out our own plan of the sight-seeing tour, with the help of our "guides"- two Danish students Monica and Karsten. We wanted to see as much as possible in the capital, so our plan was really full.
On Tuesday morning all of us met at the bus station...all carring heavy rucksacks on our backs, except for Tim, who appeared on the spot with a small bag as if he was heading just for shopping in the town...:-)...About a 4-hour journey was before us with one change in Vejle where we took a train going to our destination...Just a short mention about Danish trains- perfectly clean, comfortable and offering choice of beverages, food and other pleasant things:-) right onboard. Let´s go further...:-) We arrived at Copenhagen shortly before 1 p.m. and our first stop was in the tourist center where we gathered in loads of leaflets and info brochures (as if our rucks
acks weren´t heavy enough:-))...Then walking to Danhostel to get rid of our luggage and hurrah to the center! First look on The Black Diamond (Royal Library) confirmed that Copenhagen is a modern city which is not afraid of the latest trends in architecture (and not only this as we find out later)..Nationalmuseet follows...a huge exposition tracing the Danish history from the Middle Ages till the present, as well as The Collection of Egyptian and Classical Antiquities and The Ethnographic Collection and some others...personally I liked the parts about recent Danish history, but was really excited with small doll houses that perfectly imitate real ones.
Wednesday and another day of exploring...walk through a picturesque harbour canal Nyhavn which is a real idyllic spot and offers a unique waterside café experience..enough admiration of beautiful colured houses we must go one of tourists´main attractions- The Little Mermaid...on
the way we´re passing The Gefion Fountain (the largest monument in Copenhagen)...this time unfortunatelly without water but never mind it´s still impressive...after a few minutes we´re coming to her! Created by sculptor Edward Eriksen and inspired by H.Ch.Andersen´s beautiful fairy tale there she sits on a small boulder- The Little Mermaid- gazing sadly in search of her prince..everyone wants to touch it and I´m not the exception..:-) We´re leaving the small statue in the right time when a bus full of Japanese tourists is arriving...It follows another dose of "spiritual enrichment" because our destination is The Statens Museum For Kunst (Denmark´s national gallery) which houses a unique collection of art from Denmark and abroad from the 14th century until the present day. There is a lot to see, sometimes I felt a bit lost among such a vast number of paintings, sculptures etc. Passing Rosenborg Castle, where the Royal Danish Collections of interiors, portraits and handicrafts are deposited including the well-guarded Crown Jewels, we´re coming to RizRaz Restaurant- an ideal place for lovers of vegetarian food! We really enjoy today´s lunch buffet consisting of delicious spinach lasagne, pizza, pasta and different kinds of salads...absolutely overeaten:-) we decide to climb up the Round Tower but admission 20DK discourages us from this intention...instead we girls decide to walk through the busiest shopping street in the city- Ströget...amazing shops- especially the Danish design stores charm me most...but we´re all ripped out of that admiration when Sylva realizes that somebody has stolen her wallet! A walk to the police station and all the formal processing come after...The day seems to be spoilt by this accident...well, a man can´t feel safe anywhere...unfortunately...:-( The end of the day is "in sign" of one of Danish features- we visit The Design Center...not so big as we expected but still interesting, and we must laugh when we discover some "supportive ingredients for modern days" there:-)(see my fotoallum).
The last day in Copenhagen and visits of the Cathedral Vor Frue Kirke (the Danish queen Margarethe got married there!), Marble Church and royal guard change in front of the royal palaces Amalienborg...The weather can´t be better, a perfect time to have a pleasant walk to Christiania- the free town ( in other words an urban social experiment that has existed for over 30 years). In this area we were not allowed to take photos and believe us, we didn´t dare!:-) It´s a completely different kind of attraction that tourists are used to...and it´s worth seeing definitely!

The last remark to Copenhagen: Denmark is known for its flat surface, so no wonder that Danes are keen on cycling...but to use bikes right in the center of a half million rush metropolis?! Well, I must admit this was a kind of surprise for me...In the morning there are "fleets" of bikers from students to managers who are hastening for work as in a race...a bit funny...:-)
The capital says goodbye to us with the sun above bye bye, nice to have met you, Copenhagen;-)

Tak jsem konecne u svyho notasku a muzu se s vama podelit o nejcerstvejsi zazitky z naseho vyletu do Kodane...Mam pocit, ze jsme tam nebyli 3 dny, ale aspon tejden, videli jsme toho docela to, ze jsme si to naplanovali vice mene sami, nebyl predem zadnej danej plan, tak si myslim, ze to bylo fajn a hezky jsme to promysleli....-)cesta vlakem s jednim prstupem rychle utekla, v 8:15 jsme vyrazilii z Haderslevu, ve Vejle prestup na vlak a ve 12:40 na kodanskem nadrazi...hned nalet na blizke info centrum, nabraly jsme tam s holkama asi tunu letaku( nevim, stejne, kdo to bude kdy cist:-))a vsichni vyrazili smer ubytovna, asi 15min chuze...pokojik pro nas 5 holek (i s tou Monicou, delala nam s Karstenem "pruvodce")- mensi, ale celkem pekny, ...vstup do pokoje i do vytahu s kartou, kterou nam po zaplaceni aktivovali ( nam taky dalo, nez jsme se s ni naucili zachazet, porad to nejak blblo, jsme "viseli" parkrat ve vytahu:-))...dole pak spolecna kuchynka, kde jsme si kazdy rano delali by bylo ubytko...:-)hodili jsme veci na pokoj a sli hned do centra...docela hezky, prijemna prochazka po nabrezi, dost se toho prestavuje, rekonstruuje...moderni stavby- viz. "Cerny diamant"- knihovna, na druhy strane kouzelny nabrezni domecky- barevny...celkove Kodan nijak neprekvapi, vse uz tak nejak clovek zazil, videl, ale to nabrezi s kavarnickama a zakotvenejma lodickama je moc hezky...vsude kolem lidi na kolech, i na hlavnich silnicich, rano to je jako na zavodech, kazdej zene na kolech do prace, maji tu pro kola vsude stezky, ale sranda videt jak si damicka v poncu, s kloboukem a kabelkou slape rano do kancelare.-)), fakt na kole jede, kdo muze....-)dalsi poznatek, tentokrat co se tyka jidla:-) a konkretne pekaren!!!!:-)kdyz clovek na nakou natrefi, tak to stoji za to, oci jen prechazeji a chutovy bunky pracujou na maximum!:-)...a v kazdy ty pekarne maji ten stroj na listky na poradi..(jako to je u nas treba nekde v bance)...vsude jsme chodili pesky, da se to, druhej den k Male morske vile- malicka socha u brehu, tak jsme se nafotili, akorat prijel bus Japoncu s fotkama, tak jsme zavcas prchli:-), pak do muzei- vsude vstup zdarma...neuveritelny:-) narodni muzeum, rozsahly, historie Danska, krasne udelany jednotlivy oddeleni, az do soucasnosti...muzeum moderniho umeni...zajimavy...vstup chteli snad jen na jedny vezi, kam jsme chteli vystoupat kvuli vyhledu- 20DK...tak jsme to vzdali:-) no a ve stredu ze si zajdeme na obed do RizRazu! maji tam poledni a pak i vecerni bufet, coz znamena zaplatite 69DK(za ten obedovy bufet) a nabirate kolik chcete, tak si dokazete predstavit, jak jsme toho vyuzili!:-)..byla to stredomorska kuchyne, ale vegetarianska a fakt vyborna! no a pak jsme se vypravili do ulic, nakupni tridy- plna znackovejch znamejch i mene znamejch bchodu, jako v Praze, jen vic...maji tu neskutecne nadherny obchudky s vecma do domacnosti- barevny, originalni design, a v jednom z tech kramu zjistime, ze Sylve ukradli penezenku..:-(tak rychle volat tem nasim dvema Danum, pak na policii vse sepsat a vyridit.. tahle kradez nas vylet hodne zneprijemnila, ale snad nam nezkazila celkovy dojem z Kodane...
Druhej den jsme chytli nadherny pocasko, cekala nas mimojine vymena strazi u kralovskeho palace Amolienborg...posezeni v kouzelne starodavne kavarne...Monica nam doporucila typicky zakusek, tak jsme s Katou neodolaly....pak do jedny hippies ctvrti Christiania, jakasi uzavrena komunita lidi zijici trochu jinym stylem zivota nez my...:-)
Kodan se s nami rozloucila slunecne...tohle mesto urcite stoji za videni, takze rada jsme te poznala, Copenhagen, a treba nekdy zase navidenou!;-)

Sunday, 10 February 2008


Another weekend! Ooh, the time is really running here... At least we can get up whenever we want and of course we use it! Then a short walk to Lidl to make provision of food...on this spot I can´t drop an experience on our way back home- just walking on the pavement and a girl is coming opposite us...not strange a bit, but she´s got a hammer in her hand and is hitting everything around her! Yeah, no joke....shocked and with eyes full of disbelief when we´re passing her we relieve having not been attacked by this probably "a bit" mad girl...ufff...Delicious dinner( salmon, rice, spinach and a glass of wine) compensates this strange experience and we feel alreadyquite relaxed watching "The Knight´s Tale". Sunday and relax is going on... a short walk thorugh the town on my own and taking some pictures, then our regular pilates with girls... yes, such a restful day..that´s what I needed...yet coming days will be demanding...

Wow, dalsi vikend je tady, ten cas tu ale leti... aspon si muzeme prispat a ze toho nalezite vyuzijeme....! Odpolko zajdeme doplnit zasoby do Lidlu...ale co se nam nestane na zpatecni ceste tak kracime po chodniku a naproti nam mlada cernoska s kladivem v ruce a boucha jim kolem sebe! fakt, zadna sranda...neverime vlastnim ocim a zkoprnely ji mijime a cekame, jestli se staneme i my tercem jejich utoku...koukne na nas silenym pohledem, neco si mumla a jde dal...jsme vysokovany, jen slysime, jak zas mlati do znacek...uaaaa, fakt hroznej to pocit prochazet kolem nekoho tak nebezpecnyho...vynikajici spolecna vecere (losos, ryze, spenat, vinko) nam tenhle adrenalin ale dostatecne vykompenzuje, a romantika na zaver dne, film " Pribeh rytire"

Carneval/Staying at home:-)

Friday... and the first lesson of citizenship...I´m quite curious what this modul will be about..At first we´re talking about what it means to be an "active citizen" (feeling of belonging somewhere, awareness of duties and rights) and we get to know that the issue citizenship was discussed a lot in Denmark in previous years..we´re also discussing what it means to become a citizen of Denmark (demands and restrictions put on immigrants who want to settle in a new country- we compare the situation in Denmark with our countries)- I´m quite surprised to hear that the "waiting time" after one can ask for citizenship in DK is 7 years..(quite a long time) there is a certain kind of test one has to pass...Quite an interesting information for me in this lesson is the fact that Danish people are very keen on membership of various kinds (members in different clubs and organisations), which is a part of their perception of citizenship (sense of belonging somewhere)..However, talking about this issue for three hours (on Friday!) is quite tiring and we all look quite exhausted when the lesson is over... But the image of evening carneval cheers us up..:-)
the evening is already here...but what/who will we disguise for? At last we agree on the Czech flag:-) Sylvi is red, Kate blue and me "innocent white":-)...we just put on the jumpers in these colours and are ready to go...but what a surprise when we find out that the entrance costs 50DK (originally we supposed it would be free:-))...well a bit disappointed we leave for girls´ place (still it´s too much money for us, you know:-)) and have a nice "Erasmus evening" chatting at some bottles of wine, whiskey and Jelzin:-)

Je patek a ceka nas hodina, kdy si mame povidat o obcanstvi...jsme pred tim dostali asi 20strankovej text k precteni, ale jen ti odvazni ho precetli celej (podotykam, ze ja byla ta zbabela:-))...nejak nas tohle tema asi nechytlo, asi moc abstraktni, tezko se o nem dalo hloubejc mluvit, ale fajn, s vidinou vecerniho karnevalu jsme ty tri hodky ustali..:-) za co se ale prevlict? s holkama usilovne premejslime, nakonec volba padne na nasi ceskou vlajku...oooo, jak jsme patrioticky, ze..:-) hlavu si s tim zrovna nelameme, proste na sebe vezmeme kazda svetr v jedne barve a jde se...jenze ouha, nase mila buddy nam jaksi zapomnela rict, ze se plati vstup (50DK), s cimz my jsme samozrejme nepocitali...:-) trochu nastvany jsme nakonec usoudili, ze bude lepsi pro zacatek takovy penize setrit(clovek nikdy nevi, ze) a zakotvili jsme u holek na byte...nakonec jsme nelitovali a stravili prijemnej vecer u lahvi vinka, whiskey a Jelzina:-)

School visit

Today we´re supposed to visit a basic school just opposite our college to get to know how the Danish school system works in practise... It is a private Christian school called Kristne Friskole, has about 180 pupils and 16 teachers. The headmaster makes us familiar with the system of his school and enables us to visit a German lesson in the 7th class and an English one in the 4th class. Before we take part in a common prayer when pupils and teachers meet in a hall to sing from the Bible. I haven´t experienced anything like this before and I can feel a certain kind of comradeship among the youngest and their "educators"...
Then we go to see how the German lesson looks like. It seems to be more or less traditional, as we are used to it in our country. However teaching of English is a kind of surprise for makes me think Danes are not stressed with any time schedules during the lesson, the atmosphere is relaxed, nobody cares if pupils are little noisy and talk with each other...pupils are obviously enjoying this time and feel free speaking in English...When talking about teachers I must say we´ve met really nice hospitable and friendly people who were willing to share their teaching experience with us and took us quite naturally as if we were a part of their staff (amazing:-))What I also like was the cosiness of the building, walls of the corridors covered with pictures and what I appreciated most?! Pink painted doors!!!:-)

Dnesek mame stravit na zakladni skole, ktera je primo naproti nasi univerzity. Dozvime se tak, jak funguje dansky skolni system v praxi...jedna se o soukromou krestanskou skolu, ktera ma asi jen 180 zaku a 16 ucitelu. Reditel je milej, povida nam o skole, jak funguje organizace danskych cirkevnich skol, jak funguji vztahy mezi uciteli a zaky (vse na urovni tolerance, kamaradstvi ale i repsketu), seznami nas s chodem skoly a nabidne nam, ze muzeme navstivit hodinu nemciny v 7. tride a 4. tride..Predtim se jeste zucastnime spolecne modlitby na chodbe skoly a spolu s ostatnimi zaky a uciteli zpivame z Bible- pro me zvlastni pocit Nikdy jsem doted neco podobneho nezazila a musim rict, ze to byl trochu zvlastni pocit videt teenagery oveseny retezy zpivat nabozenske pisne, ale jinak to bylo prijemny...cejtila jsem tam takovej do jisty miry pocit sounalezitosti...
Pak jsme tedy zavitali na hodinu NJ..ta byla vicemene tradicni, na jakou jsme zvykli u nas doma...prekvapila me ale nasledujici hodina aj.. vedl ji student, ktery byl na praxi, a planovani nejakeho casu, co by mel ucitel s detmi za hodinu stihnout atd (jak nas to nuti delat u nas na UHK:-))- to tady, zda se, vubec neexistuje...vsechno je takovy uvolneny, zadnej stres, deti to ocividne bavi, ucitel se nijak moc nestara, jestli je ve tride hluk a deti kecaji... a zasada- mluvi na ne celou dobu jen anglicky- i kdyz to jsou maly spunti, ktery se novy jazyk uci teprve 1. rok...jj, mame se jeste hodne co ucit...:-) Podobne jako s lidma kolem- ucitele tady byli vic nez prijemny, pohostinni, usmevavi, ochotni podelit se s nama o svy zkusenosti a brali nas uplne samozrejme, jako bysme byli soucast jejich sboru:-) Libila se mi i takova utulnost ty skoly, dana urcite tim, ze to byla fakt mensi skola, ale vsude na stenach taky obrazky, ale co me fakt dostalo!? Naruzovo natreny dvere!!!:-)

Friday, 8 February 2008

Let´s use our body and voice!;-)

In the previous three days there was lot to do, and everything was a bit unusual for us but better to say very interesting and what´s more enjoyable....! We tried to play the role of story-tellers re-telling some of H.Ch.Andersen´s fairy-tales (ours was "The Story Of A Mother", hey girls, can you remember the new vocabulary "blackthorn bush"?;-)) Learning Danish turned out to be a great fun when trying to repeat after Lejf and Sheila( our student teachers) some "strange" sounds and even worse was reading some Danish words because pronunciation differs from the written form a lot in this language (Just try: "Dav jeg hedder Iva" is pronounced as [dau jaj hile...]. now you can already say in Danish" Hello, my name is....":-)). We ended Tuesday with other European students drawing our "language portrait" and talking about different languages all over the world...
Wednesday lessons were pure enjoyment! Else Marie (a music teacher) instructed us not to be afraid of using our body and voice in different ways...singing songs, dancing ( like Africans do- I won´t forget "Makulela":-)), presentation of a machine just with sounds, later on with instruments, and using music as a source of our imagination- mime-play (Sylvi, our sitting on the bar chairs smoking a cigar pretending to be women of doubtful reputation;-)) and in the end painting the atmosphere of music in abstract unusual and useful for developing children´s imagination and creativity, I think... Evening in-service lecture on the theme of using ICT in English lessons showed us that not only the Czech teachers are not used to involving ICT in their lessons yet but also their Danish colleagues cope with the same problem.

V uplynulych trech dnech jsme se nezastavili, porad bylo co delat. V utery jsme si zahrali na vypravece, nebot byla hodina o danske literature a filmu. Cele to ve finale bylo vlastne jen o H.Ch.Andersenovi a jeho pohadkach. Ve skupinkach jsme si meli "nastudovat" jeden z jeho pribehu a pak ho pred ostatnimi prevypravet...nase pohadka se jmenovala "Pribeh matky" a opravdu bych ji nedoporucovala cist detem jako krasny vypraveni s happy endem na dobrou noc:-) Zabavna pak byla vyuka tridy vpochodovala peroxidova blondyna a ponekud nesmely hosik:-) Neco jako Black and White, i co se tyce charakteru, mozna podle fotek posoudite sami, kdo mel jakou roli:-) Jsou to taky zatim jen studenti, kteri prej jinak uci imigranty, ale podle systemu, jinymi slovy nesystemu ve vyuce bysme ani nerekli, ze uz maji nejake ty hodiny za sebou...(prominte, Sheilo a Lejfe...). nakonec jsme je sami navedli, ze by bylo mozna dobry si nejdriv rict danskou abecedu a pak postupovat k tezsimu...celkove me to bavilo, i kdyz sranda to nebyla...danstina se jinak cte a jinak pise..tak si treba zkuste: "Jeg hegger Iva"(vyslovuje se [jaj hilla ...]. kdo by to byl rekl, ze:-)) Odpoledne bylo hodne zajimavy, i kdyz chvili trvalo, nez jsem pochopili, co se po nas vubec finale z toho vzesel "language portrait"(portret jazyku)- do obrazku jsme meli zakreslit ruznymi barvami vsechny jazyky, se kterymi jsme nejakym zpusobem v kontaktu a pak jsem se o tom ve skupinkach bavili...vubec cela ta hodina s nazvem "Jazyk a identita" byla o uvedomeni si podobnosti/odlisnosti v jednotlivych jazycich...zajimavy...
Stredu jsem si pak uzili snad nejvic. Else Marie (ucitelka hudby) nam na zacatku sdelila, ze ve vyucovani je treba zapojovat nejen mozek a takovou tu rozumovou stranku, ale taky nase telo, hlas a vubec smysly...zacli jsme zpevem u klaviru, takovy pekny melodicky pisnicky( mne to uz docela chybelo jen si tak zazpivat, vzpominam na nase hrani u klaviru, Kamsko, lisko;-)), pak jsme pridali i pohyby- uzasna byla "makulela", jako kdybysme byli nekde mezi africkejma kmenama a nacvicovali jejich narodni tanec:-), jsme se narachali...neco z pantomimy- predvest jen za pomoci zvuku nejaky stroj, pak podle hudby sehrat pantomimu (to by se ti, Marti, libilo;-))- jj, Sylvi, nezapomenu, jak jsme si hraly na barovy lehky devy:-) a nakonec malovani podle hudby, obrazy pak mely vyjadrovat dve ruzne nalady, ktere v nas ta hudba probouzela...hodne zajimavy, i kdyz se toho clk nejdriv trochu bal...
Vecer jsem jeste padili na prednasku pro ucitele AJ- " Jak uzivat ICT/pocitace ve vyuce AJ"...nas docela presvedcilo, ze ani dansky ucitele nejsou jeste skamaradeni s technologii stejne jako ti nasi...

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Monday first lessons

It´s Monday morning and we´re hasting to school to be on time at our first school lessons...In schedule stays: "weblogs"- well a bit scared of using technology we carefuly listen to the woman-teacher how to create our own "diary on net"(yeah, that´s exactly that one you are just visiting;-))...later on all of us are so absorbed in the work that we look a bit disappointed when this lesson is over...but now on we are supposed to work on our weblogs individually at home so I´ll try to do my best to feed you with the latest news I´ve experienced here...
Talking about our ideas of Denmark we had before we came to this country, putting them on paper and discussing them ( Did you e.g. know that Danes are "obssesed" with flags and they put them almost everywhere?, it´s also a tradition here to set a flag on a table when there´s somebody´s birthday), getting to know sth about the Danish school system( school attendance is compulsory for 9 years, there´s a voluntary 10th school year; pupils start learning English at the age of 9, German when they are 13)- these were the later activities we did in the afternoon...
Pretty tired and a bit unhappy about the rainy weather we overcame ourselves and went back to school in the evening to watch a Danish movie (with English subtitles of course:-)- in the end we didn´t feel sorry to come at all because as it turned out it was a good funny teenage comedy (three teenage girls decide to undergo certain rituals to prove others they´re already mature enough to enter the adult world). And we experienced another nice tradition here- pots with tea and coffee and plates of biscuits are prepared for every meeting like this- yes, Danish people are very hospitable;-)

Je pondeli rano a my chvatame do skoly, abysme neprisli pozde na prvni hodiny... v rozvrhu je napsano "weblogy"- fajn, trochu se strachem z technologii pozorne poslouchame ucitelku, jak vytvorit vlastni "diar na netu"( jj, to je presne ten, na kterym prave jste:-)) pozdejc jsme vsichni natolik pohlceny praci na nem, ze nakonec vypadame trochu zklamane, ze uz je konec hodiny...odted mame na svym weblogu pracovat sami doma, takze se budu snazit zasobovat vas nejzhavejsima novinkama, co tu zaziju...
Odpoledne jsme si povidali o nasich predstavach o Dansku, ktere jsme meli, nez jsme sem prijeli, pak je nejakym zpusobem dali na papir a diskutovali o nich (vedeli jste napr., ze jsou Danove posedly vlajkama a davaji je skoro vsude? je tu taky tradici davat vlajku na stul, kdyz jsou neci narozeniny). Dozvedeli jsme se neco o danskem vzdelavacim systemu (maji devitiletou povinnou skolni dochazku, mozny desaty nepovinny rok; deti se zacinaji ucit AJ v 9 letech, NJ ve 13)..
I kdyz jsme byli docela unaveni a bylo prsavo, prekonali jsme se a sli vecer zpet do skoly podivat se na dansky film (samozrejme s anglickymi titulky), nakonec jsme nelitovaly, ze jsme sly, protoze se ukazalo, ze je to dobra teenage komedie (tri holky se rozhodnou podstoupit jiste ritualy, aby dokazaly ostatnim, ze uz jsou dostatecne vyspely pro dopselacky svet). Poznaly jsme dalsi zdejsi hezkou tradici- konvice s cajem/kafem a susenky jsou vzdycky pripraveny na kazdym takovym setkani..ano, danove jsou fakt pohostinni...;-)

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Weekend In Seven

The first day at school is over and two free days are before us...we decide to spend them together- all seven Erasmus students, not only getting to know each other but also the place that will become our "home" for next three months...our first steps are taking us to the nearest supermarkets (who likes listening to collywobbles?!;-)) to find the cheapest one- yet who would like to spend his fortune on food when there are many other more interesting things to be keen on (what do you say to that nice T-shirt in H&M, girls?!;-)). In the evening we practise our cooking abilities preparing pasta with sauce for dinner in our flat. Satisfied with a well- done job (it was really delicious) we spread ourselves on the sofas to watch "Lost in Translation".
Sunday passed in
a similar way (walk through Haderslev- discovery of Lidl:-)), but the afternoon was a bit more active- we girls met to do sth for our bodies and exercised pilates in Sylva´s and Katka´s flat...Full of happiness from such a motion :-) we spent the evening together with boys watching a real good movie "Hurricane".<

Prvni den ve skole je za nami a dva dny volna pred nami. Rozhodneme se je stravit spolecne- nas 7 Erasmaku, nejen poznavajicich sami sebe ale taky misto, ktere bude nasim "domovem" na pristi 3 mesice..nejdriv jdeme obhlidnout nejblizsi supermarkety (kdo by rad poslouchal kruceni v brise:-)) a najit ten nejlevnejsi- kdo by chtel utracet za jidlo, kdyz existujou mnohem zajimavejsi veci, ze (co rikate, holky, to u hezkymu tricku v HM;-)). Vecer zkousime nase kucharsky umeni- kveceri v nasem byte delame testoviny s omackou. Spokojeni s dobre odvedenou praci (bylo to fakt vyborny) se roztahneme na gaucich a sledujeme "Ztraceno v prekladu".
Nedele se nesla v podobnym duchu (prochazka Haderslevem- objeveni Lidlu:-)), odpoledne bylo o neco aktivnejsi- my holky jsme se rozhodly udelat neco pro svy telo a cvicily jsme pilates u Sylvy a Kate. Stastny z takovyho pohybu jsme vecer stravily spolu s klukama koukanim na film "Hurricane".

Our First Day At School

Our school is about 10 minutes far away from our flat by walk and it´s a large complex of many buildings. See:
During the day we were told some basic information about the course we are just taking part in and afterwards we were supposed to show how good at dancing we are! No, it was not taken so seriously...;-)we met other foreign students at a gym and were learning some easy dance was fun...we ended the day in a student club Friday Café enjoying the performance of a magician, playing table football and tasting Danish beer(in Danish "öl"-I can´t find the proper letter for Danish "o" on my keyboard, sorry:-)) for a reasonable price (1 bottle about 9DK). When to drink outside Friday Café is the obvious choice!

Nase skola je asi 10 minut pesky od naseho bytu a je to rozsahly areal s nekolika budovami. Behem dne jsme se dozvedeli zakladni info o kurzu, ve kterem tady budeme studovat a potom jsme meli ukazat, jak jsme dobri v tancovani! Ne, nebralo se to zas tak vazne...;-) Sesli jsme se v telocvicne s ostatnimi zahranic. studenty a ucili se jednoduche tanecni kroky... byla to zabava... Den jsme ukoncili ve studentskem klubu Friday Café, bavili se u kouzelnickeho vystoupeni, fotbalku a ochutnavani danskoho piva (v danstine "öl"- nemuzu na klavesnici najit to prave pismeno pro dansko "o", sorry:-)). Kdyz pit nekde v klubu, Friday Café je jasna volba!