And afterwards we put in practise what we´ve just got to let´s show how we were able to use our imagination and wake up our "exhibicionist spirit" in us! The homew
A married couple is going shopping. The woman is about 25 years old, and very interested in fashion and shopping. She really loves luxury and knows nothing else than latest fashion fads...her husband- en elderly man- is very rich and doesn´t like shopping at all, prefers intelectual hobbies(art, music etc.)- now they´re in the shopping street, the woman jumping happily from one shop-window to another....
Woman (W): Oh, dear. Look at this amazing dress! Oh, and look at this one. This is even more beautiful! That one is really perfect. Do you think it will fit me?
Man (M)- quite bored: Well, I Don´t think it´s really special.
W: Oh, how can you say sth like that?!
M: Because I just don´t think it´s special.
W: You don´t care about the dresses I wear?
M: I just don´t wanna spend my whole afternoon running through the street.
W(hysterically): You don´t, you don´t , you don´t!!!???
M: I rather go to the theatre.
W: (hysterically): You do, you doooooo??!!
You´re so meaaaaaan!!!
M: I´m not mean. I just need some intellectual challange from time to time.
W: I hate you!
M: Calm down, calm down. (talking to himself): I must admit I´m an idiot too. How could I have been so foolish to marry an airhead like her. I wouldn´t even notice if I swapped her for a dummy from one of these windows. She wouldn´t be able to reach my intellectual level even if she stood on a ladder.
W: (realizing that she "overshot" starts pleading while he´s talking to himself): Turn to me, look at me, talk to me, listen to me. (4 times)
Later on we sing and revise all known songs from the previous lesson... as well as dance ( don´t we, Sylvi?!;))
That was the school.. at 6 p.m. me, Sylva and Kate are invited for a dinner by our buddy Thora to her´s a pleasant evening and we can´t stop praising the delicious meal (pasta salad and chicken fillet and a wonderful chocolate cake as a dessert!)- thank you, Thora, for nice time...:-)
Ju, tenhle tejden se mi hodne libi...hadejte proc...skola nam zacina az kolem 10h, takze si muzu v klidku prispat a nehonim minuty tak jako kazdy rano...Dneska mame prednasku s nazvem "Jak muze umeni ovlivnit ucebni proces?", s podtitulem: "Bereme deti jako "neco, co se teprve utvari", nebo jako "hotove bytosti"?" Prednasejici je chlapek kolem padesatky, studoval v Anglii, uci na nejaky umelecky skole a skoro dve hodky nam vypravi o tom, jak je nutny vest deti k umeni, podporovat jejich tvorivost a jsou pry nyni zadane schopnosti ve spolecnosti, takze my jako ucitele bysme meli dbat na to, abysme v detech tento smysl pro "krasno" a umeni rozvijeli...ostatne tyto predpoklady jsou pry v kazdem z nas, jde jen o to, jaky pristup k tomu zaujmem (budeme-li sebe sami presvedcovat, ze treba neumime kreslit, hrat atd., tak v sobe vytvorime blok a opravdu to pak pro nas bude tezsi..ale obecne vzato, pro deti je naprosto prirozeny si hrat, predvadet se atd.)...
no a to, co jsme ted pouze poslouchali teoreticky, za chvili vyzkousime primo v dnesni "umeleckou hodinu" (tak jako kazdou stredu) jsme si meli pripravit nejaky dialog k dane hudbe a doprovodit ho obrazkem, kolazi, popr. pantomimou...ja jsem na tom delala s Danielem (myslim, ze uz jsem se o tom tady zminovala) a byla to docela sjanda...:-)kdyz je rada na nas, ponekud "neherecky" napochoduju na "jeviste" a hra jede...nasi specialitkou je to, ze jsme ten dialog predem nahrali na pocitaci, skloubili s hudbou a ted uz teda mame prostor jen ke hrani...fajn, nemuzu se dockat...:-) ale jo, nejak to zvladnem...a moje pocity? hereckou bejt opravdu nechci!:-)
Pak jeste zpivame, tancujeme (vid, Sylvi;-))
Vecer jsme pozvany k nasi buddy Thore na veceri, nemuzeme si vynachvalit vyborny testovinovy salat s kurecim zavitkem a jako dezert cokoladovy dortik...bylo to prijemny...diky, Thoro, za peknej vecer...:-)
it was just so much fun...
must the way how many times did I have to repeat "You´re so meaaan" so that it was finally acceptable for our record?!;-)))
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