The bus journey is running without problems, after some 5 hours we´re changing the bus in Berlin to get to Kolding- a historical town just a few kilometres far away from our final destination! However, waiting for the bus in this small town seems to be endless, mainly because of the terrible biting cold. It´s about 6a.m. when we´re leaving Kolding for Haderslev...we´re lucky we´ve changed our money and have Danish crowns, because as we are told by the bus driver we can´t pay in euros...
Finally after 15 hours long travelling we can enjoy the "smell of Haderslev":-)...but what surprise, nobody is awaiting us at the bus station...this misunderstanding is, however, subsequently explained and after a while we can happily follow our buddy Thora who´s going to accommodate us...
Tak, dlouho ocekavany den je tu! Je streda odpoledne a spolecne s Katkou a Sylvou mirime za dobrodruzstvim do nezname zeme...Jaky bude cely pobyt? Uzijeme si ho stejne jako nasi spoluzaci v predeslych letech? Jake to je v Dansku? A jaci budou nasi spoluzaci? To a dalsi se nam honi hlavou...Nase pocity jsou vselijake, tesime se na nove zazitky, pratele, ale je to taky krok do neznama...
Cesta busem utece bez problemu, po 5 hodinach jizdy presedame v Berline a nabirame smer Kolding- historicke mesto, jen par kilometru od naseho cile! Cekani je ale v tomhle malem meste nekonecne, hlavne kvuli strasne zime. Je asi 6 rano, kdyz opoustime Kolding a vyrazime smer Haderslev...mame stesti, ze jsem si uz predem vymenily penize a mame danske koruny, protoze, jak nam rekl ridic, platit v eurech by neslo...
Konecne, po 15hodinovem cestovani poprve nasajeme "vuni Haderslevu":-)..ale jake to prekvapeni, na zastavce na nas nikdo neceka...toto nedorozumeni se ale vzapeti vysvetli a po chvili uz spokojene nasledujeme nasi "buddy" Thoru, ktera nas jde ubytovat...
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