And what about English lessons? In the 3rd class pupils keep "working" on description of a house, in the 4th grade children listen to a song "Going to a zoo" and start a new unit in their textbooks- "Invitations to a party" (Else asks us to read the dialogues for the class..Do you remember, girls, who was Heavy Duty, Brains, Rita etc.?!;-)) the next lesson they read these dialogues on their own and I must say they´re really good at it (I´m really nicely suprised), then they colour pictures in their Activity books according to what Else dictates/says..An finally the 7th graders and the first lessons of our own teaching here in Denmark! The first lesson is on Monday and Jette comes too to see us..We´re a bit nervous not knowing what to expect, what kind of children the pupils are, will they cooperate etc.? We start the lesson with a short crosswords (revision of irregular verbs)- solution: London (topic we´re going to talk about with them in the following 3 lessons)..brainstorming/thought shower about London follows (children name mostly some of the sights, but they also know who a "bobby" is, or they put "baked beans" on the blackboard too..:-))We show them our Powerpoint presentation we´ve prepared for them (introducing some of the most visited sights in London, sth about London transport, symbols and famous Londoners.. Children seem to be a bit shy, they don´t react so much to our questions, but it´s ok, we´re quite strangers for them and they´re still curious about us...We´re giving them the homework for Thursday to prepare a project about London in groups..On Wednesday we´ve got small problems with technique (internet connection) but finally we manage and the rest of the lesson runs smoothly (warm up activity- scrambled letters- revision of the sights; Mr Bean movie; Powerpoint presentation- Royal Family- what a coincidence: the Danish Queen celebrates that day the 16th April her birthday!:-)) and on Thursday it´s up to children to present their work (many of them didn´t do their HW so they´re given some time at the beginning of the lesson to finish it- they complain that 15 minutes it´s not enough..-but there is probably some reason why we called this task as a homework, isn´t it?;-))..We listen to their presentations (some of them have chosen the topic "Harrods", the others "Madame Tussaud´s ")..pupils aren´t so active as we expected, they laugh most of the time while standing in front of their classmates and make them speak a bit more is being quite a hard job..:-)We say to them goodbye with a package of biscuits and talk about our teaching experience with Else (we also come to "topics" such as "class register"- they aren´t used in this school!; each class has its own rules that are set through an agreement between a teacher and pupils; and what is specail about this school is a "telephone room"= a room where you can use a phone indeed but this room also serves as a place where children having misbehaved during the lesson are sent to take a "thinking break"...:-)) During the break we´re offered some rolls that are served because of a coming bank/public holiday in Demark (18th April- "the Great praying day"- nobody is supposed to work that day, origins in a "bakers´ story"). The 3 weeks at Kristne Friskole were really nice and I can´t miss here the mention about the kindness and friendliness of teachers in that school who were incredibly nice to us all the time..THANK ALL OF YOU!
Treti a posledni tejden nasi praxe...tak zacnu u nasich roztomilejch tretacku...v hodinach danstiny se ted zabyvaji svym "log bogem" (neco jako jejich denicek), ktery si maji psat- predcitaji ho nahlas ostatnim...docela fajn aktivita, myslim, uci se tak nejen psat delsi souvislej text, ale tim, ze ho musi i precist pred ostatnimi, si trenujou i vystupovani "na verejnosti"...(nekteri jsou docela stydlivi, ale to se casem "obrousi"....-))v hodinach hudebky na zacatek zase zpivaji, trenuji "muzikalovou pisen" na jedno vystoupeni, cvici rytmus na pistalach, a tancujou...Ve stredu s nima a Ann-Mari mame naplanovanou rozluckovou "party".. a co takova dopoledni party obnasi?;-) Deti pecou mini housky, pak s nima hrajeme hry ("cap ztratil cepicku", "pantomima se zviratky", "liska", zpivame "Old McDonald..") a kdyz je upeceno, pomahame Ann-Mari mazat detem housticky maslem a taky ochutname..prineseme detem nejaky sladkosti a s Ann-Mari se to skvela ucitelka, coz uz jsme poznaly hned prvni hodinu (mrknete na starsi postu do meho weblogu;-))..rozlouci se s nami se slovy: "nezapomente, ze jste si vybraly nejlepsi praci na svete" (tim samozrejme mysli praci ucitele:-))
A co hodiny anglictiny? V 3.tride pokracuji v tematu "muj dum", ve 4. tride zacinaji lekci s nazvem "pozvani na vecirek"...Else nas "vyuzije" k precteni dialogu z knizky (zajimave postavicky- "Tezka povinnost", "Mozek",..:-)). Pristi hodinu ctou samy a jak jim to jde, nestacim zirat! Pak vybarvuji ve svych pracovnich sesitech podle diktatu, co Else a 7. trida! Tenhle tyden to znamena nase prvni uceni tady v Dansku! Prvni hodku mame pripraveno na rozjezd krizovku (opakovani nepravidelnejch sloves, tajenka:Londyn), pak "brainstorming"(co deti napadne, kdyz se rekne "Londyn") a nase prezentace (nejnavstevovanejsi pamatky, neco o doprave, symbolech, znamych Londynanech..), na konci jim zadame ukol- pripravit vlastni prezentaci o Londyne nebo o vybrane atrakci..druhou hodinu na zacatku rozcvicka- prehazena pismena- opakovani pamatek z minule hodiny..pak kratkej sketch z Mr.Beana (jak se setkava s kralovnou)- navazali jsme na to prezentaci o britske kralovske a posledni hodku uz byla pozornost soustredena na deti a jejich prezentace..i kdyz to mely za dcv., dali jsme jim na zacatku hodky nejakej cas na dodelani, i tak drzokovali, ze nestihaji, no ale nejak to zvladly..upovidany zrovna pri prezentacich nebyly, takze to byla docela fuska je donutit rict nejaky souvislejsi vety, ale i tak si myslim, ze docela dobry...otrkavaji se vystupovat pred tridou a v 7. tride se snazit povidat o Londyne je myslim docela uspech..Ten den se zrovna dozvidame, ze slavi narozeniny danska kralovna (16.4.), proto vyvesene vsude vlajky.. a dalsi svatek, tentokrat pracovni volno, je hned nasledujici den, slavi tu tzv. Velky Modlitebni den, takze u te prilezitosti na nas ve sborovne zase ceka mensi obcerstveni:-)
Tak to byly nase 3 tydny praxe na danske skole...ze to ale uteklo...bylo to fajn, clk se dozvedel nejaky zajimavy info a poznal strasne moc mili lidi..z ty jejicj vstricnosti a pratelskosti jsem byla fakt odvazana (byly jsme s holkama vysokovany, kdyz jsme posledni den odchazely ze skoly, tak se na nas vrhly dve ucitelky, s jednou z nichz jsme za cely ty tri tydny neprohodily ani slovo!, a zacly nas objimat a loucit se s nama..dojemny.:-)
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