Monday 14 April 2008

Active Weekend with Thora/Aktivni tejden s Thorou

Friday night is spent in front of the laptop screen when we´re watching a typical romantic movie Sense and Sensibility (lovely Hugh Grant and Kate Winslet..)..On Saturday I´m going for a short walk through the town to come back to flat on time to pack my stuff because in the afternoon me, Sylva nad Thora are going by bus to Vojens to a local swimming pool!;-) We use a punching card (min. deposit must be 100DK and one buys different number of "punches" for a journey depending on the distance, i.e. to Vojens we pay 20DK for a single trip=2"punches")..the admission in the swimming pool is 30DK and we can stay there how long we want..we can use not only swimming pool (surprisingly quite warm water..), but also a switchback ("tobogan"), a whirlpool bath, a sauna..It´s really wonderful having this relaxing time and the two hours run so quickly...In the evening we meet at Thora´s place for "the movie night" (Moulin Rouge, Save The Last Dance) and after midnight we´re falling to beds pleasantly tired with the image of the new day that we´ll spend on travels..It´s Sunday and we meet Thora again, this time the plan is to visit Vikings´graveyard, waterworks and the mill in the village called Törning Mill. Lasse is accompanying us on our trip with his small cute car...:-) In the afternoon I follow my "exercise plan" and set off to the the evening we discuss coming Friday dinner and our teaching practice on Monday..

Patek vecer stravime pred obrazovkou pri sledovani klasicky romantiky: Rozum a cit (od Jane Austen)- neco pro nas holky (Manu prisel pozdeji, i tak se tech zbylejch par minut nudil:-))..pak na chvili dolu do hospy Ras..v sobotu dopolko si udelam mensi prochazku do mesta, musim se vcas vratit, odpolko totiz mame domluvenej vyletek s Thorou do nedalekyho bazenu ve Vojensu. Tentokrat frcime busem (doprava je tu draha, tak aspon vyuzivame "punching card"- nabijeci karta, s min. vkladem 100DK, na kazdou cestu se pak "spotrebuje" ruzny pocet jakychsi bodu-kazdy v hodnote 10DK- zalezi na vzdalenosti dotycneho mista; my do Vojensu platime kazda za jednu cestu 20DK/asi 8km; je fajn ze ta karta je prenosna- muze ji vyuzivat vic lidi najednou..)V bazenu zaplatime jednorazove vstupne 30DK a muzeme tam byt, jak dlouho chceme...takovej mensi bazen (docela tepla voda), virivka( az moc tepla:-)), tobogan, sauna a mensi bazenky pro to uzasnej relax zase se jednou po dlouhy dobe natahnout ve vode (uz se tesim do hradeckyho plavecaku;-))..dve hodky utecou jak nic a frcime dom...vecer jsme domluveny, ze se sejdeme u Thory na nejaky film, nakonec vybereme Moulin Rouge (Nicole Kidmann) a Save The Last Dance (amricka romantika s tancem)..po pulnoci padame do posteli s vidinou dalsiho nabityho nedele a zase se schazime s Thorou, tentokrat uz brzo rano- v planu je vyletek po okoli- hroby Vikingu, "vodni dila", prochazka v Tönder Mill..prijemne to utece, vracime se kolem 13h, rychle do sebe hodim obed a padim do posilovny...vecer s ostatnima diskutujeme patecni veceri (kterou budeme varit my Erasmaci pro nase buddies a ucitele) a s holcinama pak jeste nasi pondelni pripravu na praxi (London Powerpoint)..

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