Tuesday 8 April 2008

Ugly party, lighthouse/"oskliva party", majak

The time is running..the first week of our teaching practice is over and we can enjoy the two free days...and the plans are already settled..On Friday night we´re heading to the Friday Cafe..tonight there is supposed to be an "Ugly party" so we´re all curious what it all will be about...we get to know shortly after we enter the cafe..everyone is dressed up in funny dresses to make himself/herself the most ugliest person in the club..and the following competitions are also somehow connected with the word "ugly"..(eating a cake and drinking a glass of beer in the most ugliest way:-), we cheer Manu but unfortunately another guy wins this contest..)We all enjoy the evening a lot, we might already realize that it is one of the last parties we´re visiting here:-( the night is still young so around 1a.m. we decide to go Ras where the group Edge is singing and we end up chatting in Huset..perfect night..
Saturday- another busy day because today I´m going with Kate nad her two friends Honza nad Lukas for a trip to Odense and afterwards to a lighthouse on the seacoast..The 12-km long walk along the seashore is something unforgettable and I can´t tire of the beautiful nature around us in the sunset..the day was long but it was one of the most interesting days I´ve spent here..
Sunday and relax in the gym (I overcome myself and ride a bike for an hour even if I can still feel the yesterday 12-km walk in my legs:-))..and in the early-evening work on our PowerPoint presentation about London (for our teaching next week)...

Cas tady posledni dobou primo padi, uz mame za sebou prvni tejden praxe a pred sebou dva dny nicnedelani..Na patecni vecer uz ale mame plan..ve Friday Cafe se kona "Oskliva party", tak se rozhodneme "ocekovat", o cem to cele bude...dozvime se to vzapeti, jen co vejdeme dovnitr..vsichni prevleceni do silenejch hadru s jedinym cilem: byt dnes vecer co nejosklivejsi a vyhrat tim padem nejakou cenu! Mimo to se celej vecer tak nejak nese v duchu slova "osklivy"(treba soutez sporadat kus dortu z tacku a zapijet to pivem a to cely "provadet" co nejodpornejsim zpusobem:-))Je to bezva vecer, dorazi i Katcini kamaradi z Cech Honza a Lukas, popijime, kecame, a cvicime nase tela u "limba"(podlezani pod tyci)..kolem 1 se ve Friday zavira, ale nam se jeste nechce razit domu, takze dalsi zastavkou je Ras, kde hraje skupina Edge. potom se presouvame do Huset (skoro samej chlap, jeste ze tam mam "svy bodyguardy"- Jesper, Tim. ...:-))..jj, super noc, skoda ze jedna z poslednich...
V sobotu jsem s Katou a klukama domluvena na spolecnej vejletek do Odense (sice uz jsme tam o Velikonocich byli, ale tak treba tam tentokrat objevime neco novyho..;-))..dopol si jeste projdeme Haderslev a necekane se nabastime, pres celou nakupni ulici se totiz tahne dlooooouhatanskej stul s obcerstevnim (housticky s maslem a konvice s kafem)- promo akce mistni pekarny...takze samozrejme neodolame a napakujeme se timhle krasne krupavym pecivem..mnam..:-)V Odense nechame kluky samotny si projit mesto, my s Katou vyuzijeme tenhle cas k prozkoumani tamnich hadrovejch kramu, pak spolecne zajdeme do "Baresso Cafe"- retezec kavaren po Dansku a vyletek zakoncime nadhernou prochazkou k majaku, kam teda musime nejdriv dotapkat po svejch a ze to neni jen tak nejaka sranda- 6km tam a 6km zpet, ale stoji to za to...ta priroda vsude kolem je krasna, k tomu zapad slunce, ticho, more, no proste balzam pro dusi..fakt skvelej zazitek..
Nedele je ve znameni relativniho odpocinku (kdyz budu povazovat hodinovou jizdu na rotopedu v posilce za relax:-)) a prace na powerpoint prezentaci o Londyne, kterou pouzijeme pristi tejden pri nasem uceni...

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