Sunday 9 March 2008

Create your own dance/Vytvor si vlastni tanec

Wednesday and another chance to develop our creativity, this time through DANCE!!!:-) I´m really looking forward to it....dancing is my favourite "kind of creative expression"...:-) We spend the first part of the lesson in the gym together with Danish students of PE training some dancing steps (more or less we know all of them from the very first day when we were given a dance lesson as a kind of welcome to us:-))...the second part, in the afternoon, demands bigger effort from us since we are supposed to create own "line dance"! We are divided into two groups and have approximately 45 minutes to train some steps and be ready to teach the other group...we choose a song from Shania Twain and it´s a real fun...well, the final "result" is nothing special but still we´re quite proud of it- it´s been made up by us!;-) Have a look below...;-) We can´t forget the steps because we´ll be teaching it also the international students who´ll come next week and dancing will be one of many activities prepared for them....;-) I really enjoyed this lesson..and realized how much I missed dancing (what about going to Crazy Daisy in the next couple of days?;-))

Je tady streda a dalsi z moznosti procvicit nasi kreativitu...tentokrat se ale tesim vic nez kdy jindy, protoze dneska to bude o TANCI!!!:-) prvni cast hodky stravime spolecne s danskejma studentama telesny vychovy v telocvicne...trenujeme nejaky jednoduchy kroky, ktery my Erasmaci uz vesmes zname z uplne prvniho dne tady ve skole, kdy jsme taky tancovali (jakasi privitaci akce...), takze to je pro nas trochu nudnejsi, ale druha odpoledni cast uz je zajimavejsi...rozdelime se do dvou skupin (ja s Charlotte a Manu) a kazda skupina ma za ukol vymyslet vlastni tanec- tzv. "line dance"- neboli jednoduchy tanec, ktery se tancuje v rade, kazdy sam... Ne tak horky to zase neni, jde jen o to vyzkouset si tak nejak pracovat s music...nase skupinka tancuje na Shaniu Twain, mame na to 45 minut...vysledek neni nic svetobornyho, ale i tak jsme na to docela "pysny"...prece jen jsme to vymysleli sami..:-) pak to ucime i druhou skupinu a oni zase ten jejich tanec to sranda a fakt me to bavilo...i kdyz to byla docela makacka, jeste ze jsme dneska nebyly domluveny zajit do posilky, tenhle trenink byl totiz podobnej zaprah...ale fajn, jen jsem si uvedomila, jak moc mi chybi nejakej ten tanec a vyprava na disco (ze by zase nekdy Crazy Daisy...;-))...


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