Sunday 9 March 2008


The last lesson of citizenship is concerned with inductive way of learning (problem-solving based tasks)- we go on in the philosophical topic from the previous lesson (P1- TT- EE-P2; P1= the first problem, TT= theory of solution of the problem, EE= elimination or confirmation of the theory, P2= another problem; "All life is solving problems":-)) We have a task to make up an exercise for children in which they could use above mentioned "formula" and as teachers to connect this exercise somehow with the theme of "citizenship"...we come up with an idea to ask children to make up a theory how people in prehistoric times hunted mammoths and check it subsequently in books or on net to confirm or eliminate their theory.. and how can children profit from this task in relation to "citizenship"? Well, quite a difficult question, but what about the fact that through hunting men had to cooperate, relied on each other that means to live in peace, be tolerant..and that´s actually the same also nowadays..when people want to achieve something big, where more people are needed, the sense of mentioned qualities is necessary and children should realize that. Well, that was connected with my major History but Daniel has to do the same task in his subject Chemistry and to make up the usage of his exercise in connection with citizenship seemed to me quite illogical. We finish a bit earlier and we use the time to plan our tomorrow trip and to draw posters for international week...Afterwards Jette comes for a while just to discuss a bit the plan for following week that will be quite busy because of coming inernational students...After the school we stop for an hour at Friday Café for a cup of tea, then a small shopping in Lidl...
In the evening we set off to Friday Café- tonight there is Karaoke Show!!! Shortly after 8p.m. the show begins! Daniel is going to represent our Erasmus group..that´s great...but the suddenly Charlotte decides to participate to and she manages to persuade us (with Kate) to join her!!! I can´t believe it! Me standing on the stage and singing publicly... we need a shot to breathe it out...-) It´s already here..we can here our names to start our performance...we decide to sing Avril Lavigne´s song "Sk8er boy"...well, what a fun, even if we don´t manage to follow the lyrics, it´s so the end I can´t catch my breath...:-) great experience...and Daniel- he sings much better than we, even so well that he becomes the winner!!!! Congratulations, Daniel!;-) We enjoyed this evening a lot...:-)

Posledni hodina "obcanstvi"...navazujeme na minulou hodku- induktivni uceni (reseni problemu)...mam ve dvojicich vymyslet pro zaky nejaky takovy ukol, kde by musely pouzit vzorec (P1- problem, TT- vymyslet vlastni teorii reseni problemu, EE- potvrzeni nabo vyvraceni teorie, P2- dalsi problem)...z dejaku prijdeme s tim, ze by slo zadat detem, aby popremejslely o tom, jak lovili v praveku muzi mamuty...pak by si to potvrdily nebo naopak vyvratily vyhledanim potrebnejch info nekde v knize nebo na strucne receno, tahle hodina neprinesla nic novyho, obecne je docela bezny, ze se od ucitelu ceka, ze budou detem zadavta takovy typy ukolu, u kterych budou muset premejslet a ne se jen srotit...
skoncime driv, cas vyuzijeme na planovani zejtrejsiho vyletu a kresleni poutacu na pristi mezinarodni tyden...
Vecer do Friday Café, je tam Karaoke show! neco malo po 20h to zacne...i nas Daneil se zapsal...odvaznej...:-) jenze pak prijde i Charlotte s tim, ze bysme do toho taky mely a kdyz vidime, jak to ostatni berou ze srandy a s nadhledem, hecneme se a taky se zapiseme! Pak tomus Katou nemuzeme uverit, ze jsme se nechaly do toho ukecat a musime jit aspon na panaka Fisku, abysme to rozdejchaly...:-)Uz je to tady, slysime nase jmena, rychle na podium..:-) Vybraly jsme song od Avril Lavigne " Sk8er boy"...ty vado, to je rychlost, nestacime sledovat slova, tlemime se, lidi zpivaj s nama, tleskaj do rytmu, je to bozi pocit, sranda...nakonci mam co delat abych popadla dech...:-) jsem rady, ze jsme se prekonaly, i kdyz porota se k nasemu peveckemu vykonu moc nevyjadrovala a radsi to stocila na nase tanecni schopnosti...:-))super vecer...;-)

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