Sunday 9 March 2008

Practical stuff/Uzitecny veci

Tuesday and English lesson- today´s topic is Teaching Vocabulary. Our HW was to read some texts about memorizing new voc and the factors that help strengthen our learning of voc. (frequency, depth od cognitive processing, webs of associations, various forms of presentation, salient features in the word)..- very useful to know it since we´re also learners of foreign languages...;-)at the beginning of the lesson we play a short game- everybody standing and clasping with an utterance of one appropriate word (the teachers says a topic, children have to make up a word that is connected with this topic- associations)...then we summarize our HW and are given sheets of paper with various tasks and we have to decide which of the above mentioned factors is trained in each with "Picture Detective Manual" makes us busy for the rest of the lesson...we talk in pairs about a given picture from various aspects (describe atmosphere of the picture, people, objects, setting, colors, etc.) ...
In the afternoon there is the last Danish lesson... it´s up to us what we want to learn this time and we decide to use this opportunity and try to learn some Danish vocabulary concerning food- quite a clever and useful idea when we spend considerable amount of our time here in shops often desperately looking at the Danish descriptions of various products...:-) After we admit we know the basic "food words" Sheila and Lejf bring tea pots and some biscuits to the classroom as a kind of saying goodbye to us....that was really nice of them...we´ll see whether there will be any opportunity to practise our Danish some time in the future after we leave Denmark!;-)
In the evening we girls get our potion of emotions when watching a romantic film "Pride and Prejudice"...

Uterni hodka anglictiny...zacneme mensi hrou na rozehrati..ucitelka rekne tema napr. skola (americky hodnoty, atd.), my stojime a kazdej s tlesknutim rekne slovo, kteryho k tomu to takova motivacni hra, protoze za dcv, jsme meli precist nejaky clanky o uceni se slovicek, jaky faktory jsou dulezity pro jejich lepsi zapamatovani atd. - docela poucny, vzdyt my se taky ucime cizi jazyky, takze je to vlastne i navod pro nas...;-) Tak nejak rozebereme to, co jsme se z textu dozvedeli a prakticky si to zkousime na ruznejch typech cviceni, urcujeme, jaky z uvedenych faktoru se v danym ukolu trenuje...nakonec menime cinnost a po zbytek hodiny se venujeme "Manual obrazkoveho detektiva"(krkolomny preklad, ale v podstate jde o to, ze dostaneme jakysi navod, ceho si vsimat pri popisu ruznych obrazku -atmosfera obrazu, lide, predmety, barvy atd.)...
Pak nas ceka posledni hodka danstiny..toto ale rychle tentokrat vicemene na nas, co chcem dneska brat...jsme pragmaticti a rozhodneme se, myslim, velmi chytre:-)- co takhle naucit se nejake danske vyrazy pro jidlo...(kdyz uvazime, ze znacnou cast casu stravime v kramech, casto docela zoufaly, coze to jako je napsany na tech ruznych popiscich:-))...Na konci Sheila a Lajf prinesou cajdu a naky susenky na je od nich mily...:-) kdovi, jestli se nam nekdy v budoucnu postesti oprastit tech par frazi, co jsme se tu stihli behem tech par hodin danstiny naucit...;-)
Vecer si zas uzivame poradnou romantiku u "Pychy a predsudku" (Jane Austen)...

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