Sunday 9 March 2008

Jante Law and "All life is problem solving"/Zakon Jante a "Cely zivot je resenim problemu"

The aim of Monday´s module Comparative studies is to make us familiar with various types of learning approaches throughout Europe...according to the teacher there are three such approaches: 1)the Encyclopedic A. (typical of France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Belgium)- claims uniformity (the same opportunities for all children), rationality (logical way of thinking), elitism (competition instead of cooperation, special type of schools- grand ecoles- parallel with universities, access through competition); 2) the Humanistic A. (GB)- the ideal: gentleman, individualism (close realtionship between a student and his teacher), specialisation (at the age of 16 students choose only few subjects they´re most interested in); 3) the Naturalistic A. (Germany, the Netherlands, Scandinavia)- structure in the educational system (everybody ha s a function in the system), shared values: Work hard, do not waste money, and fear God; learning by imitating; skills oriented. Quite interesting, but this division seems to me already a bit out of date...In my opinion nowadays there aren´t such big differences in various educational systems all over Europe anymore, since it is more or less directed by EU...( a common trend in EU school systems is the development of important competences =combinations of knowledge, skills and experience- and students should be led to be able to use these learned competences in practise.)...but it doesn´t mean that I think one finds completely same school systems all over Europe just because of EU... I believe that above mentioned division has its historical roots from which a certain school system comes out and as history is a part of each nation and is then reflected somehow in its presence, I do believe that this is also the case of these learning approaches...the own history of the country makes also its educational system more or less specific...
What was a kind of shocking information for me during this lesson was the fact that Danish school system doesn´t pay so much attention to education of special talented children since the Danish society goes out of the idea of the "Jante law":
The ten rules of this Jante law are:
Don't think that you are special.
Don't think that you are of the same standing as us.
Don't think that you are smarter than us.
Don't fancy yourself as being better than us.
Don't think that you know more than us.
Don't think that you are more important than us.
Don't think that you are good at anything.
Don't laugh at us.
Don't think that anyone cares about you.
Don't think that you can teach us anything.
see also:
After reading these rules one can see that Danes appreciate uniformity, all the members of the society should be in the same level and this is also applied at schools...that´s why potentiality of talented children aren´t fully supported....what a pity, don´t you think?!
The next lesson of Citizenship with Torbjörn concerns with the philosophy of Karl Popper ("All life is problem solving") - an Austrian and British philosopher and a professor at the London School of Economics. He is counted among the most influential philosophers of science of the 20th century. Popper is known for repudiating the classical observationalist / inductivist account of scientific method by advancing empirical falsification instead; for his opposition to the classical justificationist account of knowledge which he replaced with critical rationalism, "the first non justificational philosophy of criticism in the history of philosophy" and for his vigorous defense of liberal democracy and the principles of social criticism. ( We start talking about ancient philosophers (Plato, Aristotle)- ideas of ideal society, we draw a diagram of a "democratic circle" (Egoism+Individualism= Free Market; Altruism+Individualism= Conservatives; Egoism+Collectivism= Nationalists; Altruism+Collectivism=Socialism) and after we´re a bit confused what this stuff has to do with "citizenship" we are told that citizenship should train people to try to stay in this "democratic circle".. Wow, it was much philosophy for today (it reminds me of my school days at grammar school:-))...

Tak tu mame dalsi tejden, leti nam to, leti.... dneska nas ceka modul "Srovnavaci studia"- s novou ucitelkou, stredni vek, ma tu na starosti nejaky zahranicni zalezitosti, uz neuci, ale jak nas ujisti na zacatku, je strasne rada, ze ma dneska tu zacatku se bavime vicemene o historickym rozdeleni sveta podle Limes Romanus (staroveke hranicni linie)- a odvozujeme odtud rozdily v kulture narodu zijicich na sever od teto hranice a tech jiznich kazdou je typicky neco jinyho (napr.vira- S: protestanti- J:katolici; S: prirodni, J: kulturni, S: pivo, J: vino atd.), pak se tema stoci konkretne na skolstvi- vyklada nam o trech ruznych pristupech k uceni podle jednotlivych zemi: 1) encyklopedicky pristup (typickej pro Francii, Italii, Portugalsko, Spanelsko, Belgii)- zalozenej na jednotnosti (vsechny deti maji mit stejne prilezitosti), rozumovost (logicek mysleni), elitarstvi (nejlepsi vyhrava); 2) humanisticky p. (Velka Britanie)- zakladem je vychova "dzentlmena"; individualni pristup k zakum; specializace (co se tyka predmetu, v 16 letech si deti vybiraji jen par predmetu, na ktery se soustredi v dlasim studiu); 3) naturalisticky p. (Nemecko, Holandsko, Skandinavie)- struktura ve skolstvi (kazdej ma ve spolecnosti svou ulohu, kazda prace ma svou dustojnost), vyznavane hodnoty: Pilne pracuj, neutracej a boj se boha; duraz na imitaci v ucebnim procesu a na dovednosti. Tak nejak mi prijde, ze tohle rozdeleni uz je trochu zastaraly, nerekla bych, ze by se to v dnesni dobe jeste dalo takhle striktne definovat...prece jen EU udava trend skoro ve vsem, nevyjimaje skolstvi, takze dneska uz ty tendence ve skolstvi budou vicemene podobny po cely Evrope- rozvoj zakladnich kompetenci (viz. nase hodiny pedagogiky a psychologie na UHK, ze:-)), cilem je, aby student byl schopen pouzit naucene v praxi atd. Na jedny strane vliv EU, kterej to cely jaksi sjednocuje, ale na druhou stranu je jasny, ze nelze rict, vsechny skolsky systemy jsou stejny po cely Evrope...tady bych dala prostor vyse zminenymu rozdeleni:-), ale spis z historickyho hlediska..vsechny ty popsany rysy v jednotlivejch pristupech se asi urcite odrazi i do soucasnyho skolstvi, coz je dela specifickym pro kazdou zemi...dikybohu za ruznorodost, ze..:-) Docela sokuici ale byla informace, ze dansky skolstvi se nijak nezameruje na zvlast nadane deti, neexistuje moc specialnich skol, kde by se rozvijel jejich talent...vychazi to z danske myslenky "Jante zakona", kterej tvori deset pravidel:
1. Nemysli si, ze jsi neco vyjimecneho.
2. Nemysli si, ze mas stejne postaveni jako my.
3. Nemysli si, ze jsi chytrejsi nez my.
4. Nemysli si, ze jsi lepsi nez my.
5. Nemysli si, ze vis vic nez my.
6. Nemysli si, ze jsi dulezitejsi nez my.
7. Nemysli si, ze jsi v cemkoli dobry.
8. Nesmej se nam.
9. Nemysli si, ze kohokoli zajimas.
10. Nemysli si, ze nas muzes neco naucit.
Docela drsny, ze...pak neni divu, ze se danska spolecnost nesnazi podporovat talenty a vyjimecny jedny strane mozna dobra myslenka toho celyho s tim, ze nikdo se nema povysovat nad druhy, jsme si jakoby vsichni rovni, ale na druhy strane, kdyz se to dodrzuje dogmaticky, tak mi to naopak prijde nefer, treba zrovna vuci tem nadanejsim, ktery tak diky tomuhle nahledu spolecnosti musi zustat mezi masou a neodlisovat se...ale to je prece proti prirozenosti, kde bysme pak byli s timhle postojem, nekde zamrzly kdesi v historii...?! Pokrok prece delaji ti, co maji schopnosti a jsou v necem skutecne dobry, ne...v tomhle me dansky skolstvi docela zklamalo...
Dalsi hodku zase filozofujeme s Torbjörnem...meli jsme si na dnesek precist silene dlouhej text od Karla Poppera (rakousko-britskej filozof a nejvlivnejsi filozof vedy, jeho filozofie zpochybneni namisto obrany za pouziti kritickeho racionalismu, obhajce liberalni demokracie a sociailniho kriticismu), mimojine autorem vyroku, kterej se mi libi: "Cely zivot je resenim problemu" (je snad nekdo, kdo nesouhlasi?;-))....dostaneme se i k Platonovi a dalsim (dost mi to pripomene moje gymplacky leta:-))...tak pro dnesek uz te filozofie bylo dost...hura dom a cist "Dabel nosi Pradu"...

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