Sunday 9 March 2008

Trip to Jels and Christiansfeld and Wedding/Vylet do Jelsu a Christiansfeldu a Svatba

Weekend and free time to go for a trip...we´ve planned to visit a near small town Jels by car (Finnja is driving)..we set off around 9a.m. and are in the destination in 20 minutes..the information center is open from 10, so we shorten the time walking to a local cemetary... a bit morbid but we agree it´s a nice graveyard, projected like a maze from neatly shorn the tourist center we take some info brochures and pay for visit of an old mill... afterwards we walk to the Orion Planetarium (that is open only on Sundays) and to Viking Pageant- open-air theater...we´ve got still enough time so we decide to go to another town Christiansfeld- "The Town of Moravian Brethern"...small, hostiorical, very nice...and special from many reasons. Its treets are straight and meet in right angles (took an in
spiration from American cities?:-)). Another speciality is Christiansfelder honeycake(gingerbread)! We can´t resist and have to taste it!:-) It´s delicious but we actually know it from CR, the town Pardubice is well known for it too...Then we take a walk through an old Brethern Churchyard Gudsageren...the atmosphere is quite unique, peace everywhere...and all the gravestones are identical as a symbol of equality of all people after the death.... See:
In the afternoon we´ve got the opportunity to experience a special occasion- the Danish wedding! Coincidentally it´s the wedding of our two schoolmates from English lesson(Sinne and Sören)! It takes place in one of the Haderslev´s a real experience...the beautiful bride in a white dress walking slowly with her father towards an altar where the man of her life is waiting for her...then both of them are sitting down on chairs opposite each other together with their parents and siblings...The priest starts talking (of course in Danish:-), the words are often interrupted by a certain moment when the woman-priest is talking, people start smiling, unfortunately we don´t know why, but afterwards we get to know that the priest said sth about the characters of the bride and bridegroom and she also mentioned sth about the "history" of their relationship (it must have been sth. "spicy" that it made the people laugh;-))...that was nice and made the ceremony more personal...we were a bit surprised we couldn´t see any "newlywed kiss" but we were assured that this was rather an exception and normally also Danish newly-weds kiss:-) The whole ceremony took about half an hour, then the newly-weds came out of the church and it was the time for family, friends and others to congratulate them ... Wow, really nice...
In the evening a small "beforeparty" with a lot of unhealthy food (the only healthy stuff were slices of cucumbers and carrots:-)..and then just going downstairs to a concert (in a pub Ras that is just in the same house where we´re staying...)..unfortunatelly there was so many people in such a small place and I was so tired from previous days that even the band was playing very well and I liked the music a lot I couldn´t help myself and had to go to bed....:-(

Vikend je tady a tudiz i cas na nejaky ten vejletek..planovali jsme ho uz dost dlouho, tak dneska ho konecne podnikneme...Plan je nedaleky mestecko Jels...frcime autem- je tady Finnja z Nemecka...mistni info centrum otevira az v 10h, takze si cas zratime prochazkou na mistni hrbitov..:-) je moc peknej, i kdyz to zni morbidne, ale je hezky udrzovanej z zivych plotu, ani si clovek nepripada, ze je na hrbitove...v info centru nabereme brozury, zaplatime 10DK za prohlidku stareho mlynu a vyrazime do Vikingske to tam ale mrtvy,sezona a vsechny predstaveni zacinaji az v cervenci, takze je to tam takovy smutny v tyhle tady taky planetarium, to je ale otevreny jen v nedeli....mame jeste dost casu, tak se rozhodneme popojet dal a navstivit nedaleky Christiansfeld- Mesto Moravskych maly, utulny a ma hned nekoli zvlastnosti...ulice jsou pravouhly (snad po vzoru nejakych americkych velkomest) a taky se tu vyrabi jedna dobrota- medovy pernik(v podstate n eco jako nas pardubicky)..neodolame, musime mekkouckej, dobrej...nadlably se jeste projdeme po meste, zavitame i na hrbitov moravskych bratri (vsechny nahrobky jsou stejny, symbolizuje to rovnost vsechn lidi po srmti)... a razime domu...ceka nas mimoradna udalost- danska svatba! a kdo ze se bere? shodou okolnosti jsou to nasi spoluzaci z anglictiny- Sinne a Sören! Je to fakt zazitek mit tuhle prilezitost, pro me vubec je to teprve asi druha svatba, na ktery jsme byla...Nevesta v klasickych bilych satech, zenich v obleku...zvlastnosti..u oltare nestoji, ale sedi na zidlich spolu s rodici- nevesta a jeji rodina na jedne strane a zenichova strana naproti...Oddavajici- zena ma proslov- v danstine:-) , mezitim se nekolikrat zpiva a na konci par poklekne pred oddavajici a rekne sve "ano"...novomanzelskoho polibku se ale nedockame..:-((jak potom zjistime, normalne se Danove libaji, tohle byla pry snad nejaka vyjimka, nevim proc..:-)), venku se pak manzelum blahopreje (nevesta chudak drkotala zubama, byla priserna zima)...napadlo nas se taky zeptat , proc se lidi behem proslovu parkrat pousmali, co tak vtipnyho knezi rekla...prej mluvila o povaze nevesty a zenicha (znala je osobne) a zminila i jakysi vyvoj toho jejich bylo hezky, takovy osobnejsi...moc peknej zazitek...
vecer jsme se sesli u nas na byte na mensi "predparty" plnou nezdravyho jidla (jediny zdravy byly platky mrkve a okurky:-)) a v danou dobu jsme se presunuli jen o dve patra niz do hospody Ras, kde mel koncert nas kamarad dan Lasse...skoda, ze tam bylo tak strasne moc lidi, nedalo se hnout... a ja byla silene utahana..takze jsem to uz pred pulnoci byla nucena zabalit, i kdyz me to docela mrzelo...mohl to bejt peknej vecer...nekdy priste...

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