Sunday 9 March 2008

German school and Quiz Night/Nemecka skola a Vecerni Kviz

Usual Thursday school visit- this time a German school- "Deutsche Schule Hadersleben"...Today it´s raining a lot...Fortunately the school is not so far away....It is a small school with ap. 180 pupils from the German minority living in Denmark...Because of its "special status"(being a German sschool ) it must follow the rules of not only the Danish school system, but also the concepts of German educational system and then it creates its own plans...Pupils are taught in German, otherwise they can speak Danish, so in the final school year they´re supposed to speak fluently in both of these languages... In the 5th grade children start learning English (the first year three times a week, later on four times a week)...The school puts the main stress on following three fileds of interest: languages, creativity (music, drama, etc) and IT. We also get ot know that the school cooperate with other "partner schools" in Germany and also in the Czech Republic (Liberec)- that´s a nice surprise (every mention about our country pleases;-)) (by the way, the headmaster Phillipp Rogge could say "hello" in Czech:-))...after a short introduction of the school by its headmaster we were allowed to have a look into the class of 7-year olds (they had just Maths- counting up to 100:-)) and afterwards an English lesson in the 5th grade (role-plays, singing songs: Head and shoulders,.. and a new one: "One finger, one thumb, keep moving"- quite funny, children divided in groups had to learn the song and train a "performance" for the class...)..We spent there only about two hours so one can hardly judge the school then, but generally spoken I like the idea of bilingualism very much and it was really nice to see how natural it was for the children to speak both languages, Danish and German (we "witnessed" a situation when there was a girl talking with another girl in Danish and the other one was answering in German.:-))See also:
In the afternoon we met other others in an assembly hall for a concert! And not just an ordinary one, but the musicians actually played the work composed by children! Who would imagine a traditional music, would be really the way as we were...:-)the music was based on using different types of sounds (not only produced by musical instruments but also by various "tools" and even by your body...) a real unusual experience...
Afterwards we had an English lesson that started with a warm-up activity- in groups we played a short game to practise vocabulary (a pile of cards with words, dice and each number on the dice was connected with a certain type of task)...we went on working on our HW for today (interpratation of a song- ours was Wiil Smith "Tell me why") and then we were supposed to present it to others and make up some vocab activities based on the lyrics as if we were teaching at school..I really enjoy these English lessons and I´m always surprised how quickly they are over...They seem to be very useful and practical for us future teachers...

In the evening we agreed with others to go to Tribunen for a "Quiz Night"...Young Danes sitting at tables and competing in quiz! I liked this idea of entertainment and at the same time one always gets to know sth new thanks to the asked questions ( a pleasant way of "education".-))- e.g. Who is the Danish Minister of Transport nowadays, or another sort of questions: Which musical instrument can Madonna play? etc...:-)

Ctvrtek je jako vzdy vyhrazenej navstevam skol...tentokrat se vypravujeme do nedaleky nemecky skoly...dneska docela dost prsi, bojuju celou cestu s destnikem, prece jen asi nejni stavenej na vetrny dansky pocasko...oddechneme si, ze jsme na miste...jdeme nejdriv za reditelem, kterej nas seznami s chodem skoly, mluvi nemecky, docela se to mensi skola, asi jen 180 zaku, kteri pochazi z nemecky mensiny zijici tady v Dansku..."zvlastni status" skoly ( to ze je nemecka), ma vliv na jeji fungovani ve smyslu, ze se musi ridit nejen danskym skolskym systemem, ale i nemeckym a nakonec si tvori sve vlastni plany...O skolu je v poslednich letech dost velky zajem, jak rika reditel, holt trend umet jazyky je cim dal vic skole se vyucuje v nemcine, jinak deti mluvi, jak chteji...po absolvovani teto skoly by pak deti mely umet plynule mluvit obema jazyky....program skoly teda klade hlavni duraz na jazyky, pak na tvorivost (hudba, drama atd.) a na informacni technologie(pocitace)...Skola taky spolupracuje s dalsima partnerskyma skolama v Nemecku, i v Cesku (v Liberci)- to je ale mily zjisteni (kazda zminka o nasi maly zemicce prece potesi:-), no a kdyz jeste slysim, jak reditel rika cesky "ahoj", nemam slov...:-))) Ale jsme tady, abysme poznali, jak to tu chodi, takze nejdriv zajdeme do 2. tridy- maji zrovna matematiku...zeptam se ucitelky, jestli si tu tridu muzu vyfotit, ona dulezite, ze se musime zeptat nejdriv deti, jestli s tim budou souhlasit..zadny z tech 7-letejch spuntu nevypada, ze by vubec vedel o cem je rec, natoz aby jim vadilo, ze si je vyfotim...ale dobre, respektujme osobnost deti...pak do 5. trid na hodinu anglictiny- docela klasicky vyucovani, uci se novou pisnicku, jedina docela prekvapujici je chvile, kdy ucitelka rozdeli deti do dvou skupin, aby si nacvicily pisnicku, a tu jednu skupinu vysle ven ze tridy...u nas si neco takovyho nedovedu moc dobre predstavit...osobne bych umrela hruzou, co ty nase pubertaky napadne a kde co vyvedou...ale tady jsou ocividne zvykli na praci "bez dozoru"..takze vse probehne hladce...jinak zadny velky prekvapko se nekona, byli jsme tam jen asi 2 hodky, takze clovek nemel zas tak moc casu poznat tu skolu vic, ale jinak se mi libi ta myslenka dvojjazycnosti- zazili jsme i situaci, kdy se ve tride pri tom nacviku pisnicky, bavily mezi sebou dve holciny, jedna mluvila dansky a ta druha ji uplne prirozene odpovidala nemecky...ty dva jazyky jsou pro ne proste prirozeny...zavidim...:-) Jeste nez jsme skolu opustili, zahrala jsem si na "prekladatelku"- reditel me poprosil, jestli bych mu neprelozila do cestiny takovej mensi pozdrav nejaky ucitelce z te partnerske skoly v Liberci....:-)
V poledne jsme se sesli s ostatnima u nas ve skole v aule...poradal se koncert, ale ne tak ledajakej...hraly se skladby, ktery slozily deti! bylo to docela netradicni, zezacatku kazdej prekvapenej, protoze hudebnici nehrali jen na "obycejny" nastroje, ale pouzivali k vyprodukovani zvuku treba i kostata a dokonce i vlastni telo...:-) zajimavej zazitek..
Pak hodina anglictiny- na zacatek motivacni hra na slovicka, pak interpretace pisnicky od Willa Smithe (kritika Ameriky, terorismus, rasismus atd.), vymysleni ukolu pro deti na zaklade jednotlivych songu...tyhle hodky me bavi, jsou uzitecny a vzdycky rychle utecou...
Vecer razime do Tribunen na Kviz...mlady Danove sedi u stolu, rozdeleny do tymu a naka holcina cte jednotlivy otazky a oni odpovidaji na papir..otazky typu : kdo je soucasnym ministrem dopravy? Na jaky hudebni nastroj umi hrat Madonna?.-)..docela dobrej napad, jak spojit prijemny s uzitecnym.dozvis se zajimavy info:-)) a nakonec tym s nejvetsim poctem spravne zodpovezenejch otazek vyhraje deset piv...dobra motivace...:-)

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