Wednesday 26 March 2008

Easter break/Velikonocni prazdniny

Friday- the last day at school and farewell with the international students, my sister is coming in the evening

Sunday and the first of our planned trips
- fiord (at a village Örby)
- Törning Mill (unfortunatelly we didn´t manage to find the mill there)
- Christiansfeld (for me and Kate it´s already the second visit of this “town of honeycake“, so we already know which places we can´t miss there°-))

- First stop in Lögumkloster (beautiful cloister)
- Mögeltönder (incredibly charming village with small houses like from a fairy tale, worth of visiting!, also a castle of prince Frederic- Schackenborg- in the picture, but it´s not accessible)
- Tönder ( a smaller town with a nice shopping street)
- Bowling in Haderslev with Mette and her boyfriend- quite fun even if I didn´t play so well…:-)

- Egeskov (it´s said to be the most beautiful water castle in Europe but unfortunately we´re not lucky, the castle is closed in this time of the year:-() -see the picture

- Odensee (birthtown of H.Ch.Andersen, I´m really excited about the Andersen´s museum- a rich exposition telling very interesting info from the story-narrator´s life-e.g. Andersen´s hobby was “paper cuts”- he made it when telling his stories to his friends´ children…), nice walk through the town (nicely neat park decorated with flowers in various shapes…)

- day off, having a rest, dinner at Tim´s place with his landlords (delicious pizza and tons of pancakes), concert in Tribunen

- Aarhus- Vikings ´center, Den Gamle By (The Old Town= open-air musem-see the picture), walk through the city (in rain), the “Women museum” wasn´t unfortunately open anymore that day

- Ribe
- Esbjerg (fishing port, funcionalistic building of the town hall)- sea, the sculptures of “Four sitting men” - see the picture
- Party at Jesper´s place (I fell in love with “ raspberry BacardiJ) and afterwards dancing in Crazy Daisy till 4:30a.m.(great night!!!)

- celebration party of Sylvie´s and my birthdays! We´ve got everything necessary for this occasion, even the birthday cake (biscuits with “quark” and pine appleJ) and birthday balloons!;-)

- the last day of my sister´s stay in DK….however the planned departure doesn´t take place, because no bus has come! We don´t know what the problem was (any accident on the road?)…We have to find another alternative how to get back to´s really annoying…but fortunately my sister gets safely back home and subsequently we find out that the problem was that the bus didn´t really come at all because that bus relation was cancelled and the travel company hadn´t announced it to travelers…- isn ´t it lovely to travel?!;-)

- catching up the missing sleep, doing some stuff for school

Velikonoce byly ve znameni cestovani, prijela i segra, takze tech celejch deset dni bylo moc fajn... V sobotu jsme zasly na chvili s holcinama do "Kafky" posedet...v nedeli nas cekal prvni vejletek- k fjordu, pres vesnicku Törning Mill, kde mel bejt nejakej mlyn (podle Jette), ale my ho teda nenasli...:-), no nic, zajeli jsme jeste do Christiansfeldu (my s Katou uz jsme tam byly, tak jsme presne vedely, kam nase spolucestovatele nasmerovat, samozrejme nesmela chybet ochutnavka perniku:-))

V Pondeli jsme meli pred sebou trochu delsi trasu- do Tönderu, cestou jsme se stavili v krasnym klastere Lögumkloster a roztomily vesnicce Mögeltönder (domecky jak z pohadky, pripadala jsme si tam jak v risi nejakejch hobitu:-))- jakoby se tam zastavil cas... a pak mestecko Tönder- utulny, mensi.

Utery- daleka cesta az do Odensee (rodiste H.Ch.Andersena), na ceste jeste zajedeme k Egeskovu (pry nejkrasnejsi vodni zamek v Evrope), ale otvira se az nekdy na konci dubna, takze mame smulu, tak apson udelame par fotek za plotem..:-)Odensee nam to ale tohle zklamani vynahradi...Je to vetsi mesto a hlavni atrakci je tam samozrejme muzeum slavneho rodaka, jehoz soucasti je i jeho rodny dum...maji to tam opravdu vymakany, do poslednich detailu, clovek se tam dozvi zajimavy info o jeho zivote, v jedny cely mistnosti se nachazi vsechny jeho knozky pohadek ve vsech jazycich, do kterejch byly prelozeny..najdeme tam i ceske vydani;-), lidi si tam muzou i pohadky cist nebo poslouchat z takovejch "automatu"..i mestecko samo o sobe je moc hezky upraveny, i parcik atd..Odvezu si odtud i suvenyr- tricko (darek od Peti k narozkam:-))

Stredu venujeme nabirani sil na dalsi cesty, takze relax, posilovna a vecer setkani s ostatnima na veceri u Tima (pizza a tisice palacinek:-)), pak na chvili na koncert do Tribunen

Ctvrtek je narocnejsi- ceka nas asi 130km vzdaleny ceste se zastavujeme ve Vikingskem centru (jen si projdeme okoli, prohlidneme rekonstrukce vikingskych domu) a smerujeme do Den Gamle By (skanzen s domy prevezenymi z ruznych casti Danska, z 18., 19., opravdu nadhera, bylo to vlastne vystavene cele mesto, s ruznymi obchody, v nekterych jsme taky natrefili na lidi v dobovych kostymech, takze atmoska tam byla temer dokonala...pripadala jsme si tam jak v Dr. Quinn...:-)) Aarhus uz nas tolik nenadchnul, prece jen ty vetsi mesta nemaji toho spravnyho ducha, nebo jak bych to rekla...:-)

Na patek mame naplanovany posledni vejletky- do Ribe (zajdeme do mistniho kostela a kavarnicky na chokokaffe:-)), zacina poprchavat, jeste nas ceka Esbjerg (na zapadnim pobrezi)- je silena zima, mesto jen prolitneme, popravde tam neni dvakrat co k videni:-), tak se jeste rozhodneme rozloucit s vejletenim morem! A to je ale zazitek a fakticka tresinka na dortu!!:-) Turisti nechybi ani tady- hlavne diky obrovskymu sousosi ctyr sedicich muzu hledicich do sireho more:-)) Vecer je party u Jespera, pak se presouvame do Crazy Daisy, kde parime az do 4:30. Tahle akce nemela chybu...

Sobota a nase narozeninova oslava je tady! tak jdeme slavit! Nechybi ani narozeninovy dortik, kterej dopol nejak improvizaci zhotovim (susenky, tvaroh, ananas) a bytecek u holek vyzdobime i balonkama, takze atmoska je vesmes priznacna...

Nedele uz je relaxacni, segra se bali dom, v noci ma odjizdet, ale bohuzel to neklapne, bus do Koldingu jaksi nedorazi, takze Peta se musi dopravit do Prahy vlakem druhej den...neni rozkosny cestovat?!;-)

V utery dospavam predeslou noc a delam par veci do skoly...

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