Tuesday 19 February 2008

Beginning of the 3rd week in Denmark!/Zacatek tretiho tydne v Dansku!

Usual time- 8:15 and the beginnig of the first Monday lesson- "School and Education in Denmark" with Torbjörn Ydegard...He asked us about our observation experinces from our last school visits fourteen days ago- we agreed on some features typical of Danish school such as e.g. apparent freedom of pupils at school, cozy atmosphere of the school environment, usage of various teaching methods and seemingly no structure in lessons...we talked about pupils´discipline in the classes and we were "assured" there is almost no such thing in Danish schools anymore:-), so subsequently we came to the topic of possible punishments for children in case of their misbehaviour and in this time we were "corrected" there is no such word "punishment" in the Danish school system, but only a word- "consequences"- that made us laugh a bit...:-) then Torbjörn told us about the basis of the Danish school system- probably the most striking fact for us was the strong tradition of private education in Denmark in that way that Danish constitution allows establishment of private schools even by parents themselves (in practise it means that when you as a parent are not satisfied with the education of your child at the public school, you can take your child away and you can educate him/her on your own at home, but what´s more you can quite easily set up your own school...the only rules you have to follow are a certain number of pupils, solution of economical questions and fulfillment of teaching goals that must be compatible with those at public schools)- the state financially supports this kind of schools pretty much (parents pay only 15% of loads/e.g. 1,000DK/month, the rest is paid by government)... in general the state financial contribution to education system is efficient, also as far as public schools are concerned (we were told that almost everything at these schools is free, including e.g.all textbooks, trips with the exception of some week long excursions and stuff like this)...even there is special education of future teachers at private schools ( it lasts 5 years instead of usual 4 years for teachers at public schools and these private teachers also have a longer practise at schools during their studies). Wow, all this is quite different from our country, isn´t it?
Acquisition of interesting infos goes on when an energetic man Jörn Buch enters the room...We´re flooded with important events of the Danish history and we´re really impressed by Jörn´s historic knowledge (his very first question: where are from- and our reply: Hradec Kralove- and his prompt reaction: ooh, there was the battle of Austro-Prussian war!- this persuades us that this man "probably" knows his field pretty well...:-)) as well as by his amazing enthusiasm which make his lessons even more unforgetable... (and it does not matter that we talked the whole time mostly only about the 19th century in the Danish history:-))

Obvykly cas- 8:15 a prvni pondelni hodina: "Danske skolstvi a vzdelavani" s Torbjörnem Ydegardem (clovek by si na tech jmenech pomalu zlamal jazyk, co... a to po nas chteji, abysme je oslovovali krestnimi jmeny!:-)) Ptal se nas na nase postrehy z nasi navstevy skol pred ctrnacti dny a spolecne jsme pak vybrali par znaku typickych pro danske skolstvi, jako napr. znacna svoboda zaku ve skole, prijemne skolni prostredi, uzivani ruznych metod pri vyucovani, ale taky zdanlive zadna struktura pri vyuce...Mluvili jsme i o chovani a poslusnosti zaku a byli jsme "ujisteni", ze neco jako disciplina uz v danskem skolstvi u zaku nenajdeme:-) pak jsme presli k tematu pripadnych trestu, kdyz se zaci neumi chovat a zase celkem prekvapiva odpoved, ktera nas docela rozesmala, protoze Danove slovo "trest" jako takove ve skolach nepouzivaji a asi z jakychsi "humanitnich duvodu" ho nahradili slovem "nasledky":-)) potom nam Torbjörn vypravel o zakladnich rysech danskeho vzdelavani, tady nas docela zarazil fakt, ze Dansko ma dost silnou tradici soukromych skol a danska ustava povoluje zakladani takovych skol dokonce i samotnymi rodici! (v praxi to znamena, ze pokud je rodic nespokojenej s tim, jak jeho dite vzdelavaji ve skole, muze ho odtamtud vzit a ucit ho sam, ale co vic, muze si sam, kdyz chce, zalozit vlastni soukromou skolu...jedina omezeni, kterych se musi drzet je jednak dostatecnej pocet zaku, vyreseni nejakejch ekonomickejch otazek a taky splneni jistejch vzdelavacich cilu, ktere musi odpovidat tem, ktere jsou na verejnych skolach)- stat tyhle skoly financne dost podporuje (rodice plati pouze 15% nakladu/ asi 1000DK za mesic, zbytek stat)...dokonce v Dansku existuje i zvlastni system vzdelavani budoucich ucitelu na soukromych skolach (jejich studia trvaji 5 let, misto 4 let obvyklych pro ucitele verejnych skol a odlisne je to i s praxi- budouci ucitele na soukr. skolach maji rocni praxi, namisto asi jen 6 tydnu) ....obecne stat tady do skolstvi znacne investuje, a to i co se tyce verejnych skol ( rodice nemusi hradit skoro nic, napr. deti maji ucebnice zdarma, stejne tak i vylety, snad az na nejake tydenni exkurze, ktere uz stat nefinancuje)..docela rozdil oproti nam, ze..
Pak vpadne do tridy energii nabitej chlapek, asi petasedesatiletej, Jörn Buch a my jsme razem zahlceny informacema tykajici se historie Danska...postupne zjistujeme, ze tenhle Dan bude asi hodne sectelej a ve svym oboru se fakt vyzna (hned na zacatku se nas kazdyho pta, odkud ze jako jsme, tak my reknem CR, HK- a on hned briskne zareaguje, joo, tam se odehrala ta bitva prusko-rakousky valky 1866...jak nase srdicko zaplesa, ze nekdo zna taky nejaky jiny mesto nez Prahu..:-)...cely dve hodky vydrzi zaujate povidat o nejruznejsich historickejch udalostech (popravde misty je docela tezky se v tom neztracet:-))..je do toho neskutecne zapalenej, az se mi zda, ze i ten nejvetsi odpurce dejepisu musi behem tehle hodin uznat, ze "ucitelka zivota" nemusi bejt jen nudnym odrikanim letopoctu!;)..takze vubec nevadi, ze jsme se celou tu dobu bavili hlavne o 19.st. v danskejch dejinach a o zbytku se nedozvedeli prakticky nic..:-)...tahle hodka s nim byla fakt inspirujici, zvlast pro nas budouci ucitele dejepisu;-)

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