Thursday 28 February 2008

American Dream/ "ble":-)

The first lesson of English together with Danish students...what strikes me for the first time when we enter the classroom...quite a lot of "older" students who seem to have already their own families...( we have been already told before that it´s quite usual in Denmark that many people "behind their study years" take advantage of the national free school system and study (who wouldn´t when the state pays the education for you regardless of your age!)´s a class of 2nd year students (now they study two subjects- English and another one, next year they´ll start studying other two subjects, so they´ll have 4 in total)...and this kind of English lesson is actually the only English they have ( it includes grammar, realia, literature, history etc. -everything in 1, then, which difffers from our system when we´ve got special lessons for each of those "fields" of the language) the beginning there is a short discussion about the plan for the whole term when students also have a say in what they are interested in (in terms of didactics and methodology mostly- e.g.teaching grammar, how to create aims in a teaching process etc.), then we open the topic "America" which will make us busy for a few lessons... We´re working in groups discussing the picture picking up some of the images connected with America... and finally we´re also given some homework( to brush up our geographical knowledge of America, to read a multi-pate text about American history and values), doing homework...we have almost forgotten what it is...;-)
Danish with Sheila and Lejf is quite funny this time...we´re learning new words through "games"( guessing the meanings of the words from their written form- Germans can do it quite easily because many Danish words have similar spelling as the German ones).. what about the word e.g. "ble"- try to guess the meaning!;-) Well, I´ll tell you- it´s a nappy/diaper:-))
Afterwards we stay at school for a while to finish our homework for tomorrow (we record our dialogue, what a great fun we have doing this!:-)
Evening and another movie watched together- "Black Diamond" this time...I can´count how many times I covered my eyes when Leonardo diCaprio got into trouble in his "diamond-hunt"...fortunately it didn´t reflect in my dreams....

Dneska mame poprve hodiny anglictiny s ostatnima danskyma studentama...jsou ve 2. rocniku, ale kdo by si predstavoval vekovy prumer kolem 20 let, jak je to u nas, tak by se hodne spletl...tady totiz studuji i "starsi" rocniky, vetsina jich uz ma vlastni rodiny...duvodem je fakt, ze vzdelani je i pro ne zdarma, nezalezi na veku, jako je tomu u nas ( v CR nad 26 let uz stat studentum skolu nefinanfuje...)..takze kdo by toho nevyuzil, ze...;-) tohle je vlastne jedina hodina AJ, kterou ty studenti tady na skole maji- gramatika, realie, literatura, historie atd.- vse v jednom, jak se tak rika..:-)(ne jako u nas na UHK, kdy mame na kazdou z tehle "slozek" jazyka zvlastni hodiny)...zacatek je vesmes organizacni- co se bude probirat behem semestru, s tim ze studenti pred hodinou naspali na tabuli temata, ktery je osobne zajimaji - hlavne veci tykajici se praxe na skolach atd. Pak otvirame tema "Amerika"...diskutujeme nad obrazkama, co je typicky pro tenhle zamorskej kontinent a dokonce dostaneme i domaci ukol! uz jsme skoro zapomneli, jaky to je...:-) do priste precist nekolikastrankovej text o americky historii a hodnotach, oprasit nase zemepisny znalosti...
Nasledujici hodiny danstiny jsou tentokrat docela zabavny...ucime se novy slovicka formou jakychsi "her" (silny slovo, ale i tak posun oproti minulejm hodinam..:-)...hadame vyznamy slov z jejich psany formy, Nemci by tady meli vyhodu, pze dost slov ma podobnej slovni zaklad jako ty nemecky)...ale napr. u nasledujiciho slova nemusite bejt zrovna Nemec ci jinej "German", abyste neuhodli jeho vyznam...:-))- copak znamena danske "ble"?! (spravne reseni: plina pro dite:-))
Vecer trochu potrapime nase citlivy dusicky(zvlaste my s Katou a prekvapive i s Borisem:-)) pri filmu "Blood Diamond" s Leo DiCapriem...pusobivy...a poucny...

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