Thursday 21 February 2008

Day full of experiments/Den plny experimentu

Every Wednesday we are shown a bit different ways of learning developing our creative skills, last time it was the lesson called "Use your body and voice...", this time we can read in our schedule "Mirrors and Portraits"... An incredibly friendly and open-minded woman Dorthe gives us a real warm welcome, something in her appearance and her way of spontaneous behaviour already reveal that the following three hours won´t be traditional, but on the contrary that we´re going to experience sth very new and unusual for us...and we´re not wrong when we think so...At first we are given few sheets of quarto papers and are supposed to draw portraits of three of our schoolmates, we´ve got only 2 minutes for each of these pictures...we´re assured that we don´t have to be worried about our art skills, everything that will happen in this lesson is said to be just a sort of our own exploration and achievement of new experience and perception... now I´m at real ease and just draw and draw and...this first task is just about getting the first knowledge of the basic "rules", what to pay attention to when making sb´s portrait...more experimental part comes after...each of us takes a mirror and sits in front of it and we are told to draw ourselves! ha, that´s fun...we don´t want to stop it, we enjoy portreying so much! However, we are here to explore some more ways of perception of ourselves... we start painting directly on the mirror!....then printing it on the paper...and in final stage we are instructed to remake this print so that it still resembles somehow our own portraits...we´re a bit lost in this task, but Dorthe helps us and shows us the rught way to do it...she is a real professional (studied some time in New York) and we can´t stop wondering when a completely realistic eyes start appearing under her skillful fingers...unfortunately the time is over and we have to saay goodbye, this lesson was simply amazing, I felt relaxed during the whole time spent in the workshop and was leaving the room absolutely happy and content, it was a sort of pleasant therapy for me...:-)
Now a cooking lesson along with Danish students of cooking...I´ve brought all necessary ingredients for my fruit dumplings (but it wasn´t an easy task at all to find our Czech "tvaroh" and the right kind of flour:-)) that I´m going to do today, but it needs to be said, for the first time without my mum´s help!:-) well, now I know there was no reason to be worried because when you´ve got the right ingredients there isn´t much you can spoil:-), but everytime you go into the "unknown" you feel a bit unsure...afterall it was a great fun for all of us and we did well so in the end we could please our taste-buds with different kinds of dishes from typical Danish hot dogs (served with pickles, roasted onion, ketchup, mustard, remoullaide), smörrebröd, chocolate mousse, potato pancakes, potato soup, sushi, Belgian potato salad etc. we really had a nice time, do you believe us?!;-)

Kazdou stredu mame na rozvrhu trochu nevsedni hodiny, ktery jsou zalozeny na rozvoji nasich tvurcich schopnosti- minule to byla hodina "Pouzij svoje telo a hlas", tentokrat hodina s nazvem "Zrcadla a portrety"...Privita nas neuveritelne pratelska a na prvni pohled tak trochu svobodomyslna Dorthe, uz trochu jeji vzhled a zpusob jednani napovidaly, ze nasledujici tri hodky stravime netradicne, a nemylili jsme se...nejdriv nam rozda ctvrtky s tim, ze si mame vybrat tri spoluzaky a nakreslit jejich portret, mame na kazdej 2 minuty...smrt v nasich ocich ji primeje nas ujistit, ze tady ted vubec nejde o nejaky realny zachyceni tvare dotycnyho, ale proste a jednoduse jen si zkusit, jak se takovy oblicej maluje...pak nase prace spolecne zhodnotime a rekneme si, na co pri portretovani davat pozor... ted zacina ta experimentalnejsi cast hodiny...mame si vzit kazdej zrcadlo, sednout si pred nej a namalovat sami sebe! zvlastni, koukam na sebe s tuzkou v ruce a moc nevim, jak zacit...divny, clovek se zna takovou dobu:-), ale hodit se na papir nedokaze:-) ale kazdopadne nas to vsechny hodne bavi...ani se mi moc od toho nechce prechazet k barvam...ted zase mame namalovat sami sebe a to primo na zrcadlo a vysledek pak obtisknout na cely se pak jeste dokresluje a pretvari voskovkama...nejak si s tim nevime moc rady, tak nam Dorthe predvede, co ma konkretneji na mysli..clovek se pri tom nestaci divit, jak se pod jejima rukama zacinaji na nas koukat z papiru zivi oci, je to holt profesionalka (studovala nejakou dobu v New Yorku)...ja se radsi vracim ke svymu kresleni tuzkou a dodelavam si svuj autoportret...:-) najednou je konec a my musime padit na hodinu vareni...vsichni jsme uplynulyma hodinama stravenyma v atelieru nadseny, me osobne to doclea dost pozitivne naladilo, takovej uzasnej relax...
ale ted uz hopem varit...vzala jsme s sebou vsechny nezbytny suroviny, ktery budu potrebovat na ty svoje ovocny knedliky, ktery se chystam dneska delat (varime narodni jidla..uznejte, ze knedlo, vepro bych asi jako skoro uplnej antikuchar nezvladla, tak jsem se vrhla na tenhle receptik:-)..i tak jsem z toho docela vybzikla, prece jen to bude poprve, co budu takovouhle vec varit uplne sama, doted to aspon bylo pod mamcinym vedenim:-) ale tak jako ve finale se to myslim povedlo, nebo aspon mne ty knedle chutnaly a pripomnely domaci:-) vse jsme zvladli a pak uz jen vyber byly typicke danske hot dogy (s okurkama, smazenou cibuli, kecupem, horcici, remuladou), smörrebröd, coko mousse(pena), nase cesky bramboraky, bramboracka(delaly holky), sushi, belgickej bramborovej salat...uff, dokazete si asi predstavit, jak jsme se zas najedli... a jeste neco malo zbylo, tak vzali domu...:-) celej den jsme se nehnuli a travili..vecerni pilatesove cviceni nebyl v teto situaci v mem pripade nejlepsi napad...:-)

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