Tuesday 5 February 2008

Nice Start vs. Unhappy End

The first day abroad is almost over and I´m heading for my flat in the attic of a big historical house standing in the small cozy square, thinking about the previous couple of hours. I spent them together with other foreign students at the common dinner that was special because each of the students was told to make a traditional meal served in her home country. So we had the opportunity to meet about 8 nationalities at one table, including also "exotic" ones ( for us from the Central Europe) as e.g. a girl from Iceland. It was unique being served fish with carry sauce by a Danish girl, a plate of beef with potatoes and vegetables by an Englishwoman or delicious pancakes by Austrian students. This "international evening" seemed to be a kind of a symbol for following weeks that are supposed to be filled with such "international meetings". See:http://picasaweb.google.com/iva.dobrovolna/InternationalDinner
However, the relaxed atmosphere of the whole day was a bit disturbed by a "small misfortune" in the end of the day...I´ve slapped the door from my room not realizing that I´ve just locked it and my keys have stayed inside! Well, to make the whole "story" shorter it´s just enough to write that I spent the whole night on a sofa in the living room dreaming all the time how nice it would have been to sleep the first night in a foreign country in my "own" bed...my problem was solved the following day and I felt really relieved...can you imagine that...:-)I can´t forget to thank Katka and Sylva for their support that helped me so much in this unpleasant situation!!!THANK YOU, girls!!!;-)
So hopefully that was the worst experience during this stay and now let´s be optimistic! "What doesn´t kill you, that will make you stronger"!;-) (Sorry for the direct translation:-))

Prvni den je skoro u konce, mirim do sveho podkrovniho bytu ve velkem historickem dome na malem utulnem namesti a premyslim o uplynulych par hodinach. Stravila jsem je spolu s dalsimi zaharnicnimi studenty u vecere, kazdy z nich mel pripravit tradicni jidlo ze sve zeme. Takze jsem meli moznost setkat se u jednoho stolu s asi 8 narodnostmi, vcetne (pro nas ze stredni Evropy) i "exotickych" - napr. s divkou z Islandu. Byl to jedinecny zazitek moci ochutnat rybu s kari omackou od danske divky, hovezi s bramborami a zeleninou od Anglicanky nebo vyborne palacinky od rakosukych studentu. Tento "mezinarodni vecer" jako by do jiste miry symbolizoval i dalsi tydny, ktere maji byt taky plne podobnych "mezinarodnich setkani".
Nicmene pohodova atmosfera celeho dne byla trochu narusena "malym nestestim" na konci dne. Prave jsem zavrela dvere od sveho pokoje, aniz bych si vsimla, ze jsem si je prave zabouchla a klice zustaly vevnitr! No, abych to zkratila, asi postaci kdyz reknu, ze jsem noc stravila na gauci v obyvaku a snila pri tom, jak hezke by bylo spat prvni noc v cizi zemi ve "vlastni" posteli...muj problem se vyresil druhy den...dokazete si asi predstavit, jakou jsem citila ulevu... Tady bych rada podekovala Sylve a Kate za jejich pomoc v teto pro me neprijemne situaci...!DIKY, holky!;-)
Doufam, ze tohle byl nejhorsi zazitek z celeho pobytu a ted uz budme jen optimisty! "Co te nezabije, to te posili" (Omlouvam se za doslovny preklad:-))

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