Wednesday 27 February 2008

Breath of originality and creativity/ Zavan originality a tvorivosti

The morning lessons with Jette, when we are talking about intercultural competences ( such an up-to-dated topic in the days of globalization...;-)), run fast and it´s noon and our planned departure to Hoptrup boarding school is here... It´s actually a small "Efterskole", i.e. there are only two classes for children of the age of 15 and 16, who don´t only learn there but also stay at school all weeks long instead of going home...The school is then special in the way that it puts stress on teaching dance, music and drama...and this "specialization" is recognizable in many different aspects... ;-)
At first we´re taken for a small "tour" around the school to have a look what the school looks like...Our guides are two students from there (the boy´s appearance already indicates a certain "smell of originality":-)), who show us almost every single room from the place where pupils eat together with their teachers (at the same table:-)), up to "ordinary" classrooms, then specially furnished classrooms (we were astonished by the recording studio!) and finally to the part of the building where pupils live during their stay at can feel the "bohemian" spir
it on almost every step there ( especially during breaks pupils sitting on couches in corridors watching Tv, playing table football or just hanging around and singing and playing guitar...)..and what even teachers themselves! All of them we meet are young people and some of them, let´s say, a bit strange:-) (one wouldn´t recognize the vice-principal from students, what´s more from a kind of a free artist you can meet e.g. on Charles Bridge in Prague:-)) can also quite easily notice really friendly relationships between the pupils and their teachers (given probably by the young age of teachers as well as by the type of school), which still doesn´t miss the necessary respect for "educators"... then we´re invited to take part in an English lesson...The pupils are asked to play pantomime based on situations that pupils made up themselves before (e.g.two boys riding motorbikes in the mountains, two teenagers arguing about their favourite kind of music etc.)...majority of children aren´t ashamed doing this at all (well, we have to still be aware of the type of school we are in, which means that these pupils are actually here because of their interest in performing etc., but to be honest personally I feet a bit hopeless in this time:-))..and their unshy characters show also in the following interviews that they are supposed to do with us, Erasmus students (we answer their questions such as e.g. why did you go for Erasmus, why to Denmark, what do you like about our country,... and we are really surprised about their level of English that was really great- they can speak quite easily without any hesitation almost as if they express themselves in their native language...!)...and finally the lesson ends with short presentations on the topic: South Africa( first pupils divided into three groups are supposed to make a mindmap on the blackboard on this theme and then to present it for the rest of the class)... one of the three presentations was highly originally when one of the pupils started singing a self-written song connected with this topic and another accompanied him playing the guitar...these pupils are just born to perform and are such exhibitionists that they use every opportunity to show themselves and that´s fine...:-)
And now sth for me...dancing lessons...:-)the first one is kind of a drill exercisi
ng (can´t say boring at all!) but the other is more exciting...the girls are instructed to make up and subsequently train their own choreographies to a given piece of music and afterwards they present it...and must say some of the "results" were quite unusual and very funny...
We spent the whole afternoon at this place and came back home not earlier than at 6p.m.

V pondeli dopol si s Jette rekneme neco malo o mezikulturnich kompetencich, jako ze ve smyslu nutnosti ucit zaky respektovat ostatni narody, coz je ted v dobe globalizace docela aktualni a ze vsech stran probirane tema, ze...:-) a v poledne uz jsme na nadrazi, abysme mohli vyrazit navstivit nedalekou internatni skolu v Hoptrup....nejdriv si jdeme prohlidnout celej areal, pruvodce nam delaji dva zdejsi zaci- ten klucina fakt stal za videni- kostkovany kalhoty strih ala mrkve, v uchu nausnice ve tvaru papouska, nebo co to bylo, a na hlave piratskou pasku...podotykam, ten den nehrali zadny predstaveni, proste bezny ohoz do skoly...:-)no, abyste byli v obraze, tohle byla skola tak trochu zvlastni nejen tim, ze deti tady i nocuji (neco jako intr, ale pokoje maji ve stejne budove jako tridy, vlastne z chodby s pokoji vchazi rovnou do vyuky..:-)), ale hlavne co se tyka zamereni- se specializaci na hudbu, tanec a drama...umeleckej duch byl cejtit na kazdym rohu..od ucitelu (dost mlady, a perlicka zastupce reditele by clovek nerozpoznal od zaka, natoz pak od nakyho mladyho "free" umelce nekde z Karlova mostu:-), po zaky (jak uz jsme zminila jista individua, viz.nas pruvodce:-)), tak i celkovy vybaveni skoly- deti o prestavkach na chodbach, rozvalujou se v gaucich, koukaji na TV, hrajou si na kytaru, jen tak zpivaji, hrajou stolni chodbach zadny dozor, kterej by je hlidal a peskoval ( a kupodivu ty teenageri toho nezneuzivaji! )...celkove ta skola pusobila jako takovej vetsi rodinnej barak- vlastne dany i tim, ze tam jsou jen 2 rocniky- pro 15 a 16-lety(takze fakt mala to skola),ale taky tou celkovou atmosferou- deti jedi v jidelnach s uciteli u jednoho stolu, vztah ucitel zak je docela volnej, kamaradskej a zaci toho zase kupodivu nezneuzivaji (aspon ceho jsme byli svedky my...), oslovuji ucitele krestnimi jmeny (coz je ostatne zvykem na vsech danskych skolach!)..
prohlidneme si nejen tridy ( docela nas prekvapi normalni nahravaci studio, ktery maji zaci k dispozici), i tu ubytovaci cast (kluci, holky zvlast, v tomhle se Dansko do CR nelisi:-)..a pak jdeme primo do vyucovaciho procesu -na hodinu anglictiny...nejdriv maji zaci sehravat ve dvojicich pantomimu na zadany tema (predem kazdej musel vymyslet nakou situaci, ktera se bude predvadet, ucitelka pak vybirala a cetla a deti podle toho predvadely, pak rekla "freeze"/zmrznete a vystridala je dalsi dvojice, ktera musela zaujmout uplne stejnou pozici jako ti pred nima a pokracovat v pantomime)....vetsina se nestydi a je u toho sranda...(ostatne jsme na umelecky skole, tak se predpoklada, ze tady budou sami exibicionisti, ze...ale me to docela vyvede z miry, priznavam....-))...nestydlivost se pak projevi i u dalsi aktivity, kdy nas maji deti "zpovidat", delat s nama Erasmakama interview na bezny otazky...docela zirame, jak deti vali anglictinu, na to kolik jim je, tak pusobi suverenne a nemaji vetsi problem vyjadrit se v cizim jazyce....klobouk dolu...:-) posledni aktivitou je "mindmap"( neco jako brainstorming/co te napadne, kdyz se rekne...)- tematem je Jizni Afrika...jsou rozdeleny do 3 skupin a pak svoje napady prezentuji...vystup jedny skupiny nas docela dostane..."opepri" totiz svoji prezentaci umeleckym vystoupenim- jeden klucina zacne hrat na kytaru, druhej k tomu zacne zpivat svuj vlastni song (tematickej.-)) a vsichni se bavi...
konec anglictiny a ted neco pro me...hodiny tance...:-)ta prvni je spis o drilu ruznejch tanecnich prvku/kroku, i tak me to bavi (hlavne ta music, bych se k nim hned pridala.-))...ta druha hodka je o necem jinym...tady maji holky prostor pro svou vlastni fantazii a kreativitu- ucitelka jim vzdycky pusti nakou hudbu a oni na to maji podle zadanych instrukci vymyslet choreografii (jeden z ukolu je napr. aby ta choreografie obsahovala "slide"/sklouznuti, "spinning"/tocku, "lift"/zvedacku)..maji na to 20 min a pak pred ostatnimi predvadi, co vymyslely... a nektery veci jsou docela originalni...bezva...
ve skole stravime cely odpolko, domu se dopotacime kolem 18h.

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