Sunday 17 February 2008

Trip to Copenhagen/Vylet do Kodane

Another weekend is almost over and I haven´t managed yet to share my "Copenhagen experience" with you....but I needed some time to "recover" from passed days spent in the busy capital..sorry:-) so let´s start now...
Our trip actually began already on Monday when we met to plan following three days in the capital...We were supposed to work out our own plan of the sight-seeing tour, with the help of our "guides"- two Danish students Monica and Karsten. We wanted to see as much as possible in the capital, so our plan was really full.
On Tuesday morning all of us met at the bus station...all carring heavy rucksacks on our backs, except for Tim, who appeared on the spot with a small bag as if he was heading just for shopping in the town...:-)...About a 4-hour journey was before us with one change in Vejle where we took a train going to our destination...Just a short mention about Danish trains- perfectly clean, comfortable and offering choice of beverages, food and other pleasant things:-) right onboard. Let´s go further...:-) We arrived at Copenhagen shortly before 1 p.m. and our first stop was in the tourist center where we gathered in loads of leaflets and info brochures (as if our rucks
acks weren´t heavy enough:-))...Then walking to Danhostel to get rid of our luggage and hurrah to the center! First look on The Black Diamond (Royal Library) confirmed that Copenhagen is a modern city which is not afraid of the latest trends in architecture (and not only this as we find out later)..Nationalmuseet follows...a huge exposition tracing the Danish history from the Middle Ages till the present, as well as The Collection of Egyptian and Classical Antiquities and The Ethnographic Collection and some others...personally I liked the parts about recent Danish history, but was really excited with small doll houses that perfectly imitate real ones.
Wednesday and another day of exploring...walk through a picturesque harbour canal Nyhavn which is a real idyllic spot and offers a unique waterside café experience..enough admiration of beautiful colured houses we must go one of tourists´main attractions- The Little Mermaid...on
the way we´re passing The Gefion Fountain (the largest monument in Copenhagen)...this time unfortunatelly without water but never mind it´s still impressive...after a few minutes we´re coming to her! Created by sculptor Edward Eriksen and inspired by H.Ch.Andersen´s beautiful fairy tale there she sits on a small boulder- The Little Mermaid- gazing sadly in search of her prince..everyone wants to touch it and I´m not the exception..:-) We´re leaving the small statue in the right time when a bus full of Japanese tourists is arriving...It follows another dose of "spiritual enrichment" because our destination is The Statens Museum For Kunst (Denmark´s national gallery) which houses a unique collection of art from Denmark and abroad from the 14th century until the present day. There is a lot to see, sometimes I felt a bit lost among such a vast number of paintings, sculptures etc. Passing Rosenborg Castle, where the Royal Danish Collections of interiors, portraits and handicrafts are deposited including the well-guarded Crown Jewels, we´re coming to RizRaz Restaurant- an ideal place for lovers of vegetarian food! We really enjoy today´s lunch buffet consisting of delicious spinach lasagne, pizza, pasta and different kinds of salads...absolutely overeaten:-) we decide to climb up the Round Tower but admission 20DK discourages us from this intention...instead we girls decide to walk through the busiest shopping street in the city- Ströget...amazing shops- especially the Danish design stores charm me most...but we´re all ripped out of that admiration when Sylva realizes that somebody has stolen her wallet! A walk to the police station and all the formal processing come after...The day seems to be spoilt by this accident...well, a man can´t feel safe anywhere...unfortunately...:-( The end of the day is "in sign" of one of Danish features- we visit The Design Center...not so big as we expected but still interesting, and we must laugh when we discover some "supportive ingredients for modern days" there:-)(see my fotoallum).
The last day in Copenhagen and visits of the Cathedral Vor Frue Kirke (the Danish queen Margarethe got married there!), Marble Church and royal guard change in front of the royal palaces Amalienborg...The weather can´t be better, a perfect time to have a pleasant walk to Christiania- the free town ( in other words an urban social experiment that has existed for over 30 years). In this area we were not allowed to take photos and believe us, we didn´t dare!:-) It´s a completely different kind of attraction that tourists are used to...and it´s worth seeing definitely!

The last remark to Copenhagen: Denmark is known for its flat surface, so no wonder that Danes are keen on cycling...but to use bikes right in the center of a half million rush metropolis?! Well, I must admit this was a kind of surprise for me...In the morning there are "fleets" of bikers from students to managers who are hastening for work as in a race...a bit funny...:-)
The capital says goodbye to us with the sun above bye bye, nice to have met you, Copenhagen;-)

Tak jsem konecne u svyho notasku a muzu se s vama podelit o nejcerstvejsi zazitky z naseho vyletu do Kodane...Mam pocit, ze jsme tam nebyli 3 dny, ale aspon tejden, videli jsme toho docela to, ze jsme si to naplanovali vice mene sami, nebyl predem zadnej danej plan, tak si myslim, ze to bylo fajn a hezky jsme to promysleli....-)cesta vlakem s jednim prstupem rychle utekla, v 8:15 jsme vyrazilii z Haderslevu, ve Vejle prestup na vlak a ve 12:40 na kodanskem nadrazi...hned nalet na blizke info centrum, nabraly jsme tam s holkama asi tunu letaku( nevim, stejne, kdo to bude kdy cist:-))a vsichni vyrazili smer ubytovna, asi 15min chuze...pokojik pro nas 5 holek (i s tou Monicou, delala nam s Karstenem "pruvodce")- mensi, ale celkem pekny, ...vstup do pokoje i do vytahu s kartou, kterou nam po zaplaceni aktivovali ( nam taky dalo, nez jsme se s ni naucili zachazet, porad to nejak blblo, jsme "viseli" parkrat ve vytahu:-))...dole pak spolecna kuchynka, kde jsme si kazdy rano delali by bylo ubytko...:-)hodili jsme veci na pokoj a sli hned do centra...docela hezky, prijemna prochazka po nabrezi, dost se toho prestavuje, rekonstruuje...moderni stavby- viz. "Cerny diamant"- knihovna, na druhy strane kouzelny nabrezni domecky- barevny...celkove Kodan nijak neprekvapi, vse uz tak nejak clovek zazil, videl, ale to nabrezi s kavarnickama a zakotvenejma lodickama je moc hezky...vsude kolem lidi na kolech, i na hlavnich silnicich, rano to je jako na zavodech, kazdej zene na kolech do prace, maji tu pro kola vsude stezky, ale sranda videt jak si damicka v poncu, s kloboukem a kabelkou slape rano do kancelare.-)), fakt na kole jede, kdo muze....-)dalsi poznatek, tentokrat co se tyka jidla:-) a konkretne pekaren!!!!:-)kdyz clovek na nakou natrefi, tak to stoji za to, oci jen prechazeji a chutovy bunky pracujou na maximum!:-)...a v kazdy ty pekarne maji ten stroj na listky na poradi..(jako to je u nas treba nekde v bance)...vsude jsme chodili pesky, da se to, druhej den k Male morske vile- malicka socha u brehu, tak jsme se nafotili, akorat prijel bus Japoncu s fotkama, tak jsme zavcas prchli:-), pak do muzei- vsude vstup zdarma...neuveritelny:-) narodni muzeum, rozsahly, historie Danska, krasne udelany jednotlivy oddeleni, az do soucasnosti...muzeum moderniho umeni...zajimavy...vstup chteli snad jen na jedny vezi, kam jsme chteli vystoupat kvuli vyhledu- 20DK...tak jsme to vzdali:-) no a ve stredu ze si zajdeme na obed do RizRazu! maji tam poledni a pak i vecerni bufet, coz znamena zaplatite 69DK(za ten obedovy bufet) a nabirate kolik chcete, tak si dokazete predstavit, jak jsme toho vyuzili!:-)..byla to stredomorska kuchyne, ale vegetarianska a fakt vyborna! no a pak jsme se vypravili do ulic, nakupni tridy- plna znackovejch znamejch i mene znamejch bchodu, jako v Praze, jen vic...maji tu neskutecne nadherny obchudky s vecma do domacnosti- barevny, originalni design, a v jednom z tech kramu zjistime, ze Sylve ukradli penezenku..:-(tak rychle volat tem nasim dvema Danum, pak na policii vse sepsat a vyridit.. tahle kradez nas vylet hodne zneprijemnila, ale snad nam nezkazila celkovy dojem z Kodane...
Druhej den jsme chytli nadherny pocasko, cekala nas mimojine vymena strazi u kralovskeho palace Amolienborg...posezeni v kouzelne starodavne kavarne...Monica nam doporucila typicky zakusek, tak jsme s Katou neodolaly....pak do jedny hippies ctvrti Christiania, jakasi uzavrena komunita lidi zijici trochu jinym stylem zivota nez my...:-)
Kodan se s nami rozloucila slunecne...tohle mesto urcite stoji za videni, takze rada jsme te poznala, Copenhagen, a treba nekdy zase navidenou!;-)

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