Monday 25 February 2008

Nature and funny project/Priroda a vtipnej projekt

Sunday and a walk around the local dam in the afternoon activates our still a bit drunk minds after yesterday´s party..:-) We get to a hostel where we come across Finnja, who stays there during her 14-day practice in Denmark..and she joins us on our "exploration tour through Haderslev"....Originally we wanted to go to the fiord to see the real sea:-) but after we find out it´s about 10kms far away we give up this intention for this moment...not because we wouldn´t be such great sportsmen( of course we are!.-)), but the thing is we´re not mentally prepared enough...:-))) Still we have seen pretty much, especially nature and not only the paved streets we are surrounded by all the time on our ways to school... we also start working on our project for music/arts lesson on Wednesday...the task is to listen to a piece of music and make up a story/dialogue that would fit in it and finally to accompany it with a painting/photograph/collage...after 10minutes of listening the same song again and again we start hating it..:-)but well, homework is homework...finally me and Daniel think up a kind of funny dialogue between a married couple of a very young woman interested in shopping and her husband, an elderly rich man fairly bored running the whole day with hands full of bags behind her wife...quite a usual scene, what do you mean?!:-) we´ll see on Wednesday how we´ll act it then!

Nedele, cas odpocinku, my ho vyuzijeme tak, ze se vydame na prochazku, aspon si trochu provetrame nase jeste trochu omamene mozkove bunky ze vcera..Vyrazime smerem ven z mesta, puvodni plan je dojit az k fjordu a videt moooore!ale jakmile zjistime, ze tenhle nas plan ma vzdalenost asi 10km, rychle od toho snad, ze bysme to jako neusli, ale nebyli jsme na to dostatecne psychicky pripraveny (plus chybela poradna svaca:-))..tak aspon dojdeme k mistni ubytovne, kde narazime na Finnju (bydli tady behem svy 14-denni praxe v Dansku), provede nas trochu po ubytku a pripoji se k nam...pozname taky neco jinyho, kus pekny prirody, kterou je clovek obklopenej, jen vytahne paty trochu vic z tech precpanejch nakupnich ulic...
pak se vrhneme na nas projekt, kterej amme pripravit na stredecni hodinu...nasim ukolem je poslechnout si jednu skladbu a vymslet na ni pribeh/dialog, kterej by jako do te hudby pasoval... a cele to doprovodit obrazkem, fotkou nebo kolazi...kdyz uz tu skladbu slysime asi posty a porad nemuzeme prijit na to, co jako ze teda vymyslime za dialog, zacneme tuhre vaznou music trochu nenavidet..ale ukol je ukol...konecne se hneme z mista..s Danielem nakonec vymyslime radoby vtipnou "nakupni scenu" mezi manzelskym parem- mladickou nakupni maniackou a jejim postarsim zazobanym manzelickem, kterej je ponekud uz znudenej celodennim pobihanim po dat tohle dohromady s vaznym kouskem hudby je kumst, ale tak jako sranda a snaha byla..:-)...uvidime jeste, jak to vsechno ve stredu sehrajeme...

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