Sunday 10 February 2008


Another weekend! Ooh, the time is really running here... At least we can get up whenever we want and of course we use it! Then a short walk to Lidl to make provision of food...on this spot I can´t drop an experience on our way back home- just walking on the pavement and a girl is coming opposite us...not strange a bit, but she´s got a hammer in her hand and is hitting everything around her! Yeah, no joke....shocked and with eyes full of disbelief when we´re passing her we relieve having not been attacked by this probably "a bit" mad girl...ufff...Delicious dinner( salmon, rice, spinach and a glass of wine) compensates this strange experience and we feel alreadyquite relaxed watching "The Knight´s Tale". Sunday and relax is going on... a short walk thorugh the town on my own and taking some pictures, then our regular pilates with girls... yes, such a restful day..that´s what I needed...yet coming days will be demanding...

Wow, dalsi vikend je tady, ten cas tu ale leti... aspon si muzeme prispat a ze toho nalezite vyuzijeme....! Odpolko zajdeme doplnit zasoby do Lidlu...ale co se nam nestane na zpatecni ceste tak kracime po chodniku a naproti nam mlada cernoska s kladivem v ruce a boucha jim kolem sebe! fakt, zadna sranda...neverime vlastnim ocim a zkoprnely ji mijime a cekame, jestli se staneme i my tercem jejich utoku...koukne na nas silenym pohledem, neco si mumla a jde dal...jsme vysokovany, jen slysime, jak zas mlati do znacek...uaaaa, fakt hroznej to pocit prochazet kolem nekoho tak nebezpecnyho...vynikajici spolecna vecere (losos, ryze, spenat, vinko) nam tenhle adrenalin ale dostatecne vykompenzuje, a romantika na zaver dne, film " Pribeh rytire"

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