Sunday 24 February 2008

Bilingualism and Crazy Daisy:-)/Dvojjazycnost a Crazy Daisy:-)

The morning exercise in the school gym starts our body and mind for the rest of the day (in the morning we had no lessons) and we go to school only for two hours, namely the lecture of Prof. Dr. Thorsten Piske from the German University of Education in Gmünd, with the title "Bilingual Language Acquisition"...that was most interesting two hours filled with a topical theme- the earlier you start learning a foreign language the better...We got to know that there are nursery schools in Germany, which follow the "one person- one language approach"(i.e. there are two teachers, one speaks only English the whole time and the other the native language), so the "bilingual environment" is settled from the very young age of children and quite spontaneously...this approach goes on through higher levels of Northern German education at primary and secondary schools, of course with certain changes...(at primary schools children are taught, except for German language, all subjects in English; at secondary schools in most cases, two subjects are taught in a foreign language, mostly in English or in French). We also discussed some frequently asked questions in connection with bilingualism,e.g. "Do parents have to speak the foreign language when they interact with their children?"(No, they should support their children´s native language), "Do all students benefit from bilingual programs?"(At first parents should make sure that their children´s first language can develop in an age-appropriate way)..and finally the whole lecture confirmed the opinion that students in bilingual programs are then better learners in other subjects and can express their subject knowledge in their first language even better than those who study only in their native language...everything sounded amazingly, the "only" problem may be to find enough teachers who are able to conduct lessons in the subjects such as geography, biology or mathematics in a foreign language...:-)In the evening we met to visit the local disco Crazy Daisy(there is free admission on Thursdays:-)) 23:30 and almost nobody in the club...well, doesn´t matter we came to enjoy ourselves, so immediately on the dancefloor and dancing, dancing till fatigue!;-) Not bad, but the music could have been a bit different(my "blood group" is r´n´b and stuff like this and the Dj didn´t seem to know such a kind of music at all!:-)) but fine, we lost the "redundant energy" through dancing and that´s what we wanted!;-)

Po dlouhe dobe nemame rano skolu, tak si s Katou skocime na chvili do posilky zaslapat na rotopedu...pak nas ceka jedina prednaska toho dne s prof.Dr. Piske z Univerzity z Gmündu s nazvem" Dvojjazycnost"...cely dve hodiny jsou uzasne zajimavy a cele se to toci kolem diskutovaneho tematu, ze cim driv se dite zacne ucit cizi jazyk, tim samozrejme pro nej lip...proto se rozbihaji, nekde uz jsou dal, dvojjazycne programy, ktere prave vychazi z tohoto nazoru a zacinaji uz malym detem v materskych skolach vytvaret dvojjazycne prostredi... konkretne jsme mluvili o severnim Nemecku(kde prof. uci) a dozvedeli jsme se, ze v materskych skolach jsou vzdycky dve ucitelky, z nichz jedna mluvi jen anglicky(cizim jazykem), pak je tam druha, ktera rodnym jazykem...dite si tak pomalu a nenasilne zvyka komunikovat v cizim jazyce, i kdyz v tehle fazi spis jen prijima info, nez by samo zakladni skole se pak vyucuji vsechny predmety, krome rodneho jazyka, v anglictine....dite si tak osvojuje i odborne terminy v cizim jazyce a je pro nej pak naprosto prirozene bavit se i o odbornejsich vecech prave treba v anglictine...diskutovali jsme i o casto kladenych otazkach, treba jestli deti, kdyz se uci dane predmety jen v cizim jazyce, jsou pak schopni o veskere naucene latce hovorit i ve sve materstine...(odpoved: urcite, a co vic, dosahuji lepsich vysledku nez jejich vrstevnici, kteri nejsou zapojeni v techto dvojjazycnych programech...duvod: kdyz se uci v cizim jazyce, nuti je to obecne vice premyslet o danem problemu, tim padem pak naucene latce lepe rozumi atd.)...dalsi otazky se tocily i kolem mensich deti...jestli treba rodice musi pak na sve dite i doma mluvit danym cizim jazykem..(odpoved: ne, naopak by se meli soustredit na to, aby diteti poskytli pevne jazykove zazemi co se tyce jeho rodneho jazyka, protoze cim lepe dite ovlada svuj matersky jazyk, tim snadneji se uci ten cizi) kazdopadne bylo to moc moc zajimave...
vecer jsme pak vyrazili vsichni na mistni diskoteku Crazy Daisy...i kdyz uz bylo kolem 23:30, byli jsme v klubu skoro sami...ale neva, prisli jsme se pobavit a to jsme taky delali:-)...vritili jsme se hned na parket a poradne si zatancovali...i kdyz teda hudba nic moc(ja fanda r´n´b..niceho takovyho jsem se nedockala)..ale chtela jsem se vytancovat, a to jsem splnila:-)

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