Wednesday 20 February 2008

Presentation of our countries/ Prezentace nasich zemi

Tuesday, 19th February, and the Module 1(=Comparative studies) with Jette Laursen...our homework for today was to prepare presentations about our countries and tell the others what we suppose to be special and typical of the place we come from... At first we set off the journey to Belgium and find out that it is not only the country of chocolate, waffles and beer, but that the country is nowadays going through a serious crisis that is concerned with the existence of the state itself ( there are two parts in Belgium- the Flemish part in the North and the French-speaking part in the South and politicians are discussing the possible division of these two parts which would lead in fact to the disappearance of Belgium from the map of Europe!)..sth not so serious...did you know that Belgium is the "cradle" of fries that are wrongly called French fries:-) and that Belgium is the country of birth of Jean Claude van Damme?!;-) Then it´s up to us, "or Czech Three" to familiarize our mates with our small republic...we made a nice Power-point presentation ( self-praise is not good, I know, but still it´s pity, you can´t see it:-)) presenting some basic facts, but also the less known infos about our country ( rich history, traditions, nature, culture and in the end we couldn´t forget mention about famous Czechs and what is typical of CR that is known all over the world- e.g. the beauty of our girls- Miss World 2007 etc.:-) And then Daniel and a quick tour through Germany (the system of traffic signs was really funny;-))...
Danish lesson follows and new phrases are attacking our brains (Hvordan gar det?-How are you?:-))..It´s also Tim´s birthday today so birthday songs can´t be missing...even one in Czech!;-)
Evening and film "Goya´s Ghosts" that we watch at girls´ place along with two German students that came here for 14 days for a school practice...and falling asleep with a bit worried mind about tomorrow...;-)

Utery 19. unora a hodina s Jette- modul 1(srovnavaci studia) dnesek jsme si meli pripravit prezentaci o nasi zemi a predstavit ji ostatnim....nejdriv napochodujou pred tabuli belgicti reprezentanti:-), dovidame se neco malo z historie, pikantnosti z zivota kralovske rodiny:-), ale prejdeme taky na vaznejsi tema- aktualni problemy v zemi, resi se tam ted mozne rozdeleni obou casti Belgie (Flandry a francouzsky mluvici cast), coz by vedlo v praxi k uplnemu zaniku Belgie, protoze Flandry by se staly soucati Holandska a ta druha cast by byla pripojena k Francii...zni to doclea nemozne, co...dalsi zajimave info- viz.napr. jsme netusila, ze hranolky pochazi z Belgie, stejne tak i Jean Claude van Damme!:-)))) potom jsme na rade my, nase "ceska trojka", abysme seznamily ostatni s nasi mealou zemickou...krome zakladnich info se jim snazime samozrejme ukazat, ze mame bejt na co pysni, takze se rozpovidame o nasi bohate historii, tradicich, ceskem sklu, Skodovce, ceske kuchyni, filmech a nesmi chybet ani slavni Cesi vcetne Miss World!:-)myslim, ze jsme to zvladly hezky...:-)nakonec jsme se s Danielem vydali na exkurzi do Nemecka...zminka o hledani narodni identity a s tim souvisejici Tv spot, kterej ma v mladejch Nemcich probudit pocit narodni hrdosti (docela posramocena vzhledem k pomerne nedavne nemecke historii) - byly pro nas novinkami stejne tak nas zaujal opravdu "dumyslny" system dopravnich znacek:-))...shrnuto, dozvedeli jsme se zas o neco vic, nez jsme si do ty doby pamatovali z hodin zemepisu:-)
Pak Sheila a Lejf a dalsi dansky fraze bombardujou nas treba :"Hvordan ga det?"- "Jak se mas?":-) dneska ma taky Tim narozky, tak mu zpivame..nejen dansky, ale i cesky!:-)
Vecer se sejdeme zas na filmiku, tentokrat "Goyovy prizraky", prijdou jeste dva nemecky studenti, kteri tady jsou na praxi na 14 dni, tak to je docela zpestreni s a domu spat, trochu s obavama, jak dopadne zejtrek:-)

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