Thursday 7 February 2008

Monday first lessons

It´s Monday morning and we´re hasting to school to be on time at our first school lessons...In schedule stays: "weblogs"- well a bit scared of using technology we carefuly listen to the woman-teacher how to create our own "diary on net"(yeah, that´s exactly that one you are just visiting;-))...later on all of us are so absorbed in the work that we look a bit disappointed when this lesson is over...but now on we are supposed to work on our weblogs individually at home so I´ll try to do my best to feed you with the latest news I´ve experienced here...
Talking about our ideas of Denmark we had before we came to this country, putting them on paper and discussing them ( Did you e.g. know that Danes are "obssesed" with flags and they put them almost everywhere?, it´s also a tradition here to set a flag on a table when there´s somebody´s birthday), getting to know sth about the Danish school system( school attendance is compulsory for 9 years, there´s a voluntary 10th school year; pupils start learning English at the age of 9, German when they are 13)- these were the later activities we did in the afternoon...
Pretty tired and a bit unhappy about the rainy weather we overcame ourselves and went back to school in the evening to watch a Danish movie (with English subtitles of course:-)- in the end we didn´t feel sorry to come at all because as it turned out it was a good funny teenage comedy (three teenage girls decide to undergo certain rituals to prove others they´re already mature enough to enter the adult world). And we experienced another nice tradition here- pots with tea and coffee and plates of biscuits are prepared for every meeting like this- yes, Danish people are very hospitable;-)

Je pondeli rano a my chvatame do skoly, abysme neprisli pozde na prvni hodiny... v rozvrhu je napsano "weblogy"- fajn, trochu se strachem z technologii pozorne poslouchame ucitelku, jak vytvorit vlastni "diar na netu"( jj, to je presne ten, na kterym prave jste:-)) pozdejc jsme vsichni natolik pohlceny praci na nem, ze nakonec vypadame trochu zklamane, ze uz je konec hodiny...odted mame na svym weblogu pracovat sami doma, takze se budu snazit zasobovat vas nejzhavejsima novinkama, co tu zaziju...
Odpoledne jsme si povidali o nasich predstavach o Dansku, ktere jsme meli, nez jsme sem prijeli, pak je nejakym zpusobem dali na papir a diskutovali o nich (vedeli jste napr., ze jsou Danove posedly vlajkama a davaji je skoro vsude? je tu taky tradici davat vlajku na stul, kdyz jsou neci narozeniny). Dozvedeli jsme se neco o danskem vzdelavacim systemu (maji devitiletou povinnou skolni dochazku, mozny desaty nepovinny rok; deti se zacinaji ucit AJ v 9 letech, NJ ve 13)..
I kdyz jsme byli docela unaveni a bylo prsavo, prekonali jsme se a sli vecer zpet do skoly podivat se na dansky film (samozrejme s anglickymi titulky), nakonec jsme nelitovaly, ze jsme sly, protoze se ukazalo, ze je to dobra teenage komedie (tri holky se rozhodnou podstoupit jiste ritualy, aby dokazaly ostatnim, ze uz jsou dostatecne vyspely pro dopselacky svet). Poznaly jsme dalsi zdejsi hezkou tradici- konvice s cajem/kafem a susenky jsou vzdycky pripraveny na kazdym takovym setkani..ano, danove jsou fakt pohostinni...;-)

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