Wednesday 6 February 2008

Our First Day At School

Our school is about 10 minutes far away from our flat by walk and it´s a large complex of many buildings. See:
During the day we were told some basic information about the course we are just taking part in and afterwards we were supposed to show how good at dancing we are! No, it was not taken so seriously...;-)we met other foreign students at a gym and were learning some easy dance was fun...we ended the day in a student club Friday Café enjoying the performance of a magician, playing table football and tasting Danish beer(in Danish "öl"-I can´t find the proper letter for Danish "o" on my keyboard, sorry:-)) for a reasonable price (1 bottle about 9DK). When to drink outside Friday Café is the obvious choice!

Nase skola je asi 10 minut pesky od naseho bytu a je to rozsahly areal s nekolika budovami. Behem dne jsme se dozvedeli zakladni info o kurzu, ve kterem tady budeme studovat a potom jsme meli ukazat, jak jsme dobri v tancovani! Ne, nebralo se to zas tak vazne...;-) Sesli jsme se v telocvicne s ostatnimi zahranic. studenty a ucili se jednoduche tanecni kroky... byla to zabava... Den jsme ukoncili ve studentskem klubu Friday Café, bavili se u kouzelnickeho vystoupeni, fotbalku a ochutnavani danskoho piva (v danstine "öl"- nemuzu na klavesnici najit to prave pismeno pro dansko "o", sorry:-)). Kdyz pit nekde v klubu, Friday Café je jasna volba!

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