Wednesday 6 February 2008

Weekend In Seven

The first day at school is over and two free days are before us...we decide to spend them together- all seven Erasmus students, not only getting to know each other but also the place that will become our "home" for next three months...our first steps are taking us to the nearest supermarkets (who likes listening to collywobbles?!;-)) to find the cheapest one- yet who would like to spend his fortune on food when there are many other more interesting things to be keen on (what do you say to that nice T-shirt in H&M, girls?!;-)). In the evening we practise our cooking abilities preparing pasta with sauce for dinner in our flat. Satisfied with a well- done job (it was really delicious) we spread ourselves on the sofas to watch "Lost in Translation".
Sunday passed in
a similar way (walk through Haderslev- discovery of Lidl:-)), but the afternoon was a bit more active- we girls met to do sth for our bodies and exercised pilates in Sylva´s and Katka´s flat...Full of happiness from such a motion :-) we spent the evening together with boys watching a real good movie "Hurricane".<

Prvni den ve skole je za nami a dva dny volna pred nami. Rozhodneme se je stravit spolecne- nas 7 Erasmaku, nejen poznavajicich sami sebe ale taky misto, ktere bude nasim "domovem" na pristi 3 mesice..nejdriv jdeme obhlidnout nejblizsi supermarkety (kdo by rad poslouchal kruceni v brise:-)) a najit ten nejlevnejsi- kdo by chtel utracet za jidlo, kdyz existujou mnohem zajimavejsi veci, ze (co rikate, holky, to u hezkymu tricku v HM;-)). Vecer zkousime nase kucharsky umeni- kveceri v nasem byte delame testoviny s omackou. Spokojeni s dobre odvedenou praci (bylo to fakt vyborny) se roztahneme na gaucich a sledujeme "Ztraceno v prekladu".
Nedele se nesla v podobnym duchu (prochazka Haderslevem- objeveni Lidlu:-)), odpoledne bylo o neco aktivnejsi- my holky jsme se rozhodly udelat neco pro svy telo a cvicily jsme pilates u Sylvy a Kate. Stastny z takovyho pohybu jsme vecer stravily spolu s klukama koukanim na film "Hurricane".

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