Tuesday 19 February 2008

Three "Czech days":-)/Tri "ceske dny":-)

Friday morning and me lying in my bed as a corpse:-), totally exhausted after those three days in Copenhagen...it´s great because there is a holiday at school the whole week, so I really enjoy that possibility not to hurry anywhere and just to "exist on my own":-) Charlotte and Daniel have gone to visit their "dear halves"...what about me? I decide to use free time for stretching my body:-), so do Sylvi and Kate... (well, our boys aren´t so passionate fans of a gym and pilates exercise- I forgive you this, Manu and Tim:-) The evening- we three Czech girls and a romantic comedy Knocked-up- a perfect movie for women´s audience;-) Saturday comes along with the search for birthday presents for our two Belgian and a German mates:-) (all three have their birthdays next week, that´s a kind of coincidence, isn´t it?;-)) The end of weekend and our "Czech women´s drive" goes on, though this time on a more serious basis:-)- joint work on a presentation about our country for a Tuesday lesson...quite a hard job to look up all necessary infos and pics for our project but we find it exciting and are quite motivated to do our best so that our European mates could make a more precise idea of our republic..( still many foreigners have a false image of life in our country, or better to say a bit finite view...so we wanted to show them that the Czech Republic doesn´t only mean Prague and beer, but much more..:-)) ...we´ll see on Tuesday how we´ll succeed to prove it...

Je patek, zadna skola, protoze celej tejden tu jsou prazdniny...uzivam si, ze nemusim nikam chvatat a muzu si jen tak "existovat sama pro sebe":-) Charlotte a Daniel odjeli za svejma drahejma polovickama, takze jsme tu zustali my tri " ze stredu Evropy" a ti dva nasi blaznivi Belgicani:-) Nasledujici dny jsou vlastne takova ceska damska jizda, stravena castecne v posilovne, cvicenim naseho oblibeneho pilatesu a v patek vecer u romanticke komedie "Zbouchnuta"- dokonalej film, urcenej presne pro nasi damskou sestavu:-) Sobotu venujeme vybirani darku pro nase oslavence, vsichni tri maji narozeniny v jednom tydnu, docela nahoda, ze..;-)no a nedele uz se nese spise v pracovnim duchu- s holkama zasedneme nad prezentaci o nasi zemi, kterou mame prednest v utery...zabere to docela casu a usili vyhledat vsechny nezbytny info a obrazky, ale bavi nas to a myslim, ze nas docela zene i takova jakasi motivace ukazat tou nasi praci ostatnim, ze CR neznamena jen Prahu a pivo, ale mnohem vic (dost cizincu ma totiz porad zkreslenej, nebo spis omezenej pohled na nasi zemi, takze jim chceme trochu rozsirit obzory:-))..uvidime, jak se nam to v utery podari...

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