Sunday 10 February 2008

Carneval/Staying at home:-)

Friday... and the first lesson of citizenship...I´m quite curious what this modul will be about..At first we´re talking about what it means to be an "active citizen" (feeling of belonging somewhere, awareness of duties and rights) and we get to know that the issue citizenship was discussed a lot in Denmark in previous years..we´re also discussing what it means to become a citizen of Denmark (demands and restrictions put on immigrants who want to settle in a new country- we compare the situation in Denmark with our countries)- I´m quite surprised to hear that the "waiting time" after one can ask for citizenship in DK is 7 years..(quite a long time) there is a certain kind of test one has to pass...Quite an interesting information for me in this lesson is the fact that Danish people are very keen on membership of various kinds (members in different clubs and organisations), which is a part of their perception of citizenship (sense of belonging somewhere)..However, talking about this issue for three hours (on Friday!) is quite tiring and we all look quite exhausted when the lesson is over... But the image of evening carneval cheers us up..:-)
the evening is already here...but what/who will we disguise for? At last we agree on the Czech flag:-) Sylvi is red, Kate blue and me "innocent white":-)...we just put on the jumpers in these colours and are ready to go...but what a surprise when we find out that the entrance costs 50DK (originally we supposed it would be free:-))...well a bit disappointed we leave for girls´ place (still it´s too much money for us, you know:-)) and have a nice "Erasmus evening" chatting at some bottles of wine, whiskey and Jelzin:-)

Je patek a ceka nas hodina, kdy si mame povidat o obcanstvi...jsme pred tim dostali asi 20strankovej text k precteni, ale jen ti odvazni ho precetli celej (podotykam, ze ja byla ta zbabela:-))...nejak nas tohle tema asi nechytlo, asi moc abstraktni, tezko se o nem dalo hloubejc mluvit, ale fajn, s vidinou vecerniho karnevalu jsme ty tri hodky ustali..:-) za co se ale prevlict? s holkama usilovne premejslime, nakonec volba padne na nasi ceskou vlajku...oooo, jak jsme patrioticky, ze..:-) hlavu si s tim zrovna nelameme, proste na sebe vezmeme kazda svetr v jedne barve a jde se...jenze ouha, nase mila buddy nam jaksi zapomnela rict, ze se plati vstup (50DK), s cimz my jsme samozrejme nepocitali...:-) trochu nastvany jsme nakonec usoudili, ze bude lepsi pro zacatek takovy penize setrit(clovek nikdy nevi, ze) a zakotvili jsme u holek na byte...nakonec jsme nelitovali a stravili prijemnej vecer u lahvi vinka, whiskey a Jelzina:-)

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