Sunday 10 February 2008

School visit

Today we´re supposed to visit a basic school just opposite our college to get to know how the Danish school system works in practise... It is a private Christian school called Kristne Friskole, has about 180 pupils and 16 teachers. The headmaster makes us familiar with the system of his school and enables us to visit a German lesson in the 7th class and an English one in the 4th class. Before we take part in a common prayer when pupils and teachers meet in a hall to sing from the Bible. I haven´t experienced anything like this before and I can feel a certain kind of comradeship among the youngest and their "educators"...
Then we go to see how the German lesson looks like. It seems to be more or less traditional, as we are used to it in our country. However teaching of English is a kind of surprise for makes me think Danes are not stressed with any time schedules during the lesson, the atmosphere is relaxed, nobody cares if pupils are little noisy and talk with each other...pupils are obviously enjoying this time and feel free speaking in English...When talking about teachers I must say we´ve met really nice hospitable and friendly people who were willing to share their teaching experience with us and took us quite naturally as if we were a part of their staff (amazing:-))What I also like was the cosiness of the building, walls of the corridors covered with pictures and what I appreciated most?! Pink painted doors!!!:-)

Dnesek mame stravit na zakladni skole, ktera je primo naproti nasi univerzity. Dozvime se tak, jak funguje dansky skolni system v praxi...jedna se o soukromou krestanskou skolu, ktera ma asi jen 180 zaku a 16 ucitelu. Reditel je milej, povida nam o skole, jak funguje organizace danskych cirkevnich skol, jak funguji vztahy mezi uciteli a zaky (vse na urovni tolerance, kamaradstvi ale i repsketu), seznami nas s chodem skoly a nabidne nam, ze muzeme navstivit hodinu nemciny v 7. tride a 4. tride..Predtim se jeste zucastnime spolecne modlitby na chodbe skoly a spolu s ostatnimi zaky a uciteli zpivame z Bible- pro me zvlastni pocit Nikdy jsem doted neco podobneho nezazila a musim rict, ze to byl trochu zvlastni pocit videt teenagery oveseny retezy zpivat nabozenske pisne, ale jinak to bylo prijemny...cejtila jsem tam takovej do jisty miry pocit sounalezitosti...
Pak jsme tedy zavitali na hodinu NJ..ta byla vicemene tradicni, na jakou jsme zvykli u nas doma...prekvapila me ale nasledujici hodina aj.. vedl ji student, ktery byl na praxi, a planovani nejakeho casu, co by mel ucitel s detmi za hodinu stihnout atd (jak nas to nuti delat u nas na UHK:-))- to tady, zda se, vubec neexistuje...vsechno je takovy uvolneny, zadnej stres, deti to ocividne bavi, ucitel se nijak moc nestara, jestli je ve tride hluk a deti kecaji... a zasada- mluvi na ne celou dobu jen anglicky- i kdyz to jsou maly spunti, ktery se novy jazyk uci teprve 1. rok...jj, mame se jeste hodne co ucit...:-) Podobne jako s lidma kolem- ucitele tady byli vic nez prijemny, pohostinni, usmevavi, ochotni podelit se s nama o svy zkusenosti a brali nas uplne samozrejme, jako bysme byli soucast jejich sboru:-) Libila se mi i takova utulnost ty skoly, dana urcite tim, ze to byla fakt mensi skola, ale vsude na stenach taky obrazky, ale co me fakt dostalo!? Naruzovo natreny dvere!!!:-)

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