Sunday 24 February 2008

Celebration Party!/Narozeninova party!

Getting up after five hours of sleep has a big effect on me for the rest of the day:-)...pity that we´ve got just history lessons in the morning because we´re not able to concentrate on anything, not even on the interesting topic: local history ( Southern part of today´s Denmark-the area where also Haderslev is situated:-)- used to be a part of Germany in the past and there were some fightings all the time solving problems connected with it...We finished school already around noon and spent the day somehow hanging around....I was so exhausted after the yesterday going out(Crazy Daisy) that I almost fell asleep while watching the movie in the evening...and another "long night" is coming tomorrow!!!
It´s Saturday morning and I wake up with a terrible headache...I need to write to Kate I won´t be able to go to the gym with her as we settled yesterday...I must recover till tonight because I don´t wanna be missing at the main event of the day which is the CELEBRATION PARTY!!! Who celebrates? Three people at once- Tim, Daniel and Charlotte (having their birthdays one/two days after each other)...Then I still have to get out of the bed and meet girls to wrap our birthday presents, blow balloons and to "cook" pudding with jelly teddy bears:-)and shopping in Netto, Lidl and´s raining, quickly home and nobody will take me out today anymore...:-) The three "honoured persons" have decided to prepare a dinner for all of us so they come to our place and the "hard job" starts and I´m involved in it as well, but voluntarily..:-) On the menu stands : tomato soup with cream and baguette, cold pasta with pickles and mayonnaise as starters followed by main dish- meat balls in curry sauce with rice as a side-dish and baked slices of squash and aubergine with a delicious mixture of black olives, almonds and vegetables on the top...and afters: chocolate mousse, "kekse cage" and cookies...sounds delicious, doesn´t it?!;) at 7p.m. the first "guests" start coming and the party can begin...There are 11 people in total (together with two German students and Kate-Boriess´s girlfriend and Gerard- Charlotte´s boyfriend)´s a pleasant evening...the end of the party is however ended in a bit unusual way- all of us finding out if we are drunk or not..:-)

Vstavani po peti hodinach spanku mi jeste porad dela problemy, ale do skoly se musi a noc stravena v Crazy Daisy za to stala:-) Cekaji nas tri hodky dejin...i kdyz posledne to nemelo chybu, dneska nejsme zrovna v tom nejlepsim stavu sledovat energickyho Jörna, jak nam zaujate vypravi o mistni historii...kolem poledne si docela oddychneme, ze uz muzeme padit domu a dospavat predeslou noc...vecer se jeste rozhodneme zhlidnout s Charlotte filmik ("Catch me if you can"), ale v pulce uzname, ze uz dyl nevydrzime udrzovat se v bdelem stavu a zabalime to...zejtra nas ceka dalsi jizda..:-)
Je sobota rano a ja se probouzim se silenou migrenou, v noci jsme kvuli tomu ani moc nespala...sakra, zrovna jsme chtely jit s holkama do posilky, ale to holt budu muset ozelit a misto toho se dat do vecera dokupy...udalosti dnesniho dne je totiz narozeninova oslava!!! Kdoze slavi? Mame hned tri oslavence- Tim, Daniel a Charlotte- maji narozky za sebou s odstupem 1,2 dni...Po nejakym to vyvalovani se v posteli s rucnikem na hlave jsme prece jen nucena vstat a naklusat k holkam, abysme zabalily darky pro oslavence, nafoukly balonky a udelaly pudink s gumovejma medvidkama...mnam:-)pak jeste vlitnout nakoupit do Lidlu,Netta a Kvickly a rychle domu, prsi..ven uz me pro dnesek nikdo nedostane...kolem 17h zacneme varit- oslavenci se totiz rozhodli, ze pro vsechny uvari veceri, a ja jim vydatne pomaham..:-) Na jidelnicku je jako predkrm uvedena rajcatova polevka se smetanou a bagetou, studena misa testovin, jako hlavni chod masove kulicky v kari omacce s ryzi, pecene platky cukety a lilku s vybornou smesi nadrobno nakrajenych cernych oliv, mandli a zeleniny navrchu...a dezert: coko mousse(pena), kekse cage a susenky...prvni "hoste" prichazi kolem 19h, takze party muze pomalu zacit...popijime, papkame co hrdlo a zaludek raci, az jsme vsichni k prasknuti, poslouchame music (Belgicani nam na youtube ukazou jak se tancuje dneska v Belgii- znali jste "tectonic" styl?-neco jako machani rukama na vsechny strańy, ale pozor clk k tomu musi mit i zvlastni ohoz a uces- uzky kalhoty a vystajlovany delsi vlasy:-)))...celkove to byl moc prijemnej vecer, kterej jsme zakoncili ponekud nevsedne...pokousejice se zjistit jestli jsme opili nebo ne...:-)

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